Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 12/14/10

In attendance were: Natalie Genco, Gay Burns, Becky Goodman, Ann Dachniwsky, Katie Dchniwsky, Melissa Ripley, Reed Ripley, John Kreske, Yash Sidhu and Mrs. Martin. Meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

1. Approval of Minutes from November 9, 2010 Meeting - Gay motioned for approval, and Melissa seconded. Vote was approved by all.

2. Treasurer's Report - Gay reported that the current bank balance is $10,695.08. We have $2,122.52 in expenses yet to be reimbursed, which leaves the final available balance at $8,572.56. We've raised $1670 from the sale of Dragon pinchers, cowbells and cookbooks. Therefore, we should discuss whether we need to do the silent auction at the Awards Banquet. Gay will put together a recommendation for a minimum balance. Natalie and Gay will also put together a draft of a spring budget.

3. Fundraising - We ordered 400 cookbooks, of which 198 were pre-ordered. 70 people have not picked up their cookbooks yet. After the holidays, we will need a volunteer to call people to let them know that they can pick up their cookbooks at the Spirit Shops.

Becky created an appreciation certificate for each of the students whose artwork was put into the cookbook. Principal Giamanco will give these out. Both campuses suggested that we hold an event next year where people cook a sample of the recipe that they submitted for others to taste and sell more cookbooks.

4. Directory Update - Tracey will begin work on the directory after the cookbook is finished.

5. Name Tags - Melissa will get some from Staples and print the inserts.

6. Banquet Update - We still need someone to chair this event. We will send out an email after the new year starts. We discussed using a committee to fill this position. We also need someone to head up the silent auction, if we decide to continue with it. Trusa Patel has volunteered to do the invitations. Natalie will meet with Melissa to go through the items that need to be done for the banquet.

7. Spring Budget - Gay listed some items (scholarships, banquet, physician's breakfast, invitations, and field trips) as potential items for the spring budget. Mrs. Martin also said that there are a couple of charity teams that they're considering. She also needs a print cartridge for the copy machine after Christmas. This will cost around $300 to $400.

John asked whether the laptops had everything loaded yet, and Mrs. Martin reported that they did not due to the changes in technology over the summer and time issues. Natalie suggested that a Comp Sci student may be able to assist. Mrs. Martin said that she expects to have wifi soon (within the next 6-12 months) and will check with the Comp Sci teacher for assistance.

Katie asked for funds for food for the student parties to be held this week. She expects to need about $192. The expenditure was approved to be taken out of the money allocated for Senior class get-togethers.

8. Internships - All of the internship sponsors will be invited to the physician's breakfast. Dawn also needs to meet with Mrs. Martin.

9. Physician's Breakfast - Melissa sent out 70 invitations, and has asked them to RSVP by 12/31/10. The breakfast will be held on 2/17/11 at White Chapel United Methodist Church. The $300 room fee will include setup, projector screen, and coffee. She is working on finding a sponsor to donate breakfast. Gay suggested sending an email to parents to remind them to send in their $25 to help pay for food.

We also need to thank Nelson's in the banquet program this year for donating the food last year. Nelson's thought they were going to receive more advertising than we were able to get them.

Melissa was able to find a vet to attend. Dr. Ruffner from Golden Triangle Animal Hospital will join us. Natalie reported that she had met someone from a 24-hour veterinary hospital, VCA, who is interested in sponsoring an internship. She will pass the card along to Dawn.

10. Parliamentarian - Yash reported that only 4 people showed up at the last parent luncheon. She would like for Board members to RSVP for each event.

11. Junior Parent Representative - Yash reported that the next party for juniors will be in March. They are thinking about doing something at Bicentennial Park.

12. Senior Parent Representative - Ann reported that the seniors are still trying to get together.

13. Student Board - Reed and Katie said that they're planning a holiday picnic. The holiday parties and gift exchanges will be held on Thursday, 12/16/10, and Friday, 12/17/10.

The students are also raising funds and creating cookie plates for the janitors. For every dozen home-made cookies that a student brings in, they get one volunteer hour.

Brittany Wang is working with CMA sophomore students on a project making a holiday meal for the Battered Woman's Shelter.

14. New Business - None

15. Mrs. Martin - No news.

16. Meeting Adjourned - 7:56 p.m.

17. Upcoming Dates:

* December 16-17, 2010 - CMA Class Parties and Gift Exchanges
* January 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. - CMA Parent Booster Club meeting
* February 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. - CMA Parent Booster Club meeting
* February 17, 2011 at 7:30 a.m. - Physician Breakfast
* March 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. - CMA Parent Booster Club meeting
* March 12-19, 2010 - CMA Spring Cruise
* April 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. - CMA Parent Booster Club meeting
* May 10, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. - CMA Parent Booster Club meeting
* May 21, 2011 - Tentative date for CMA Awards Banquet
* June 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. - CMA Parent Booster Club meeting

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