Minutes from last night's CMA Booster Club meeting are as follows:
- Speaker scheduled for May needs to be cancelled due to officer elections.
- Gift ideas for Mrs. Martin should be sent to Susan Carson.
- Senior Scholarships — In the past, we have given $500 scholarships. It was suggested that we give two $1000 scholarships instead. It was decided to provide five $500 scholarships. Dawn motioned to approve, and it was seconded. Vote passed; no objections. A committee will be put together to review the applications.
- Treasurer's Report — The balance on April 12, 2010 was $6,394.01. We owe Melissa Ripley $212.49 for the Awards Banquet invitations, which will leave a balance of $6,181.52.
- CMA Patches — We would like to purchase 50 patches at $24 each. If we charge $15 per patch, CMA Booster Club will cover the rest.
- Computer Update — Microsoft Office software has been received, and we only had to pay half-price for it. Matthew Carson is working with Darryl Brown to create a ghost image, which can then be applied to each laptop. Susan has been working on a parallel plan for a cabinet to house the laptops. She has located a used cabinet that might work. Tom Rayermann brought a proposal/plan by for his Eagle Scout project to build the cabinet. Susan will review.
- Banquet Update — Update was sent out via email. Comments should be sent to Susan.
- Bylaws — Slate of officers will be sent out next week. We would like to amend the bylaws to add three new positions because the roles are too large, and it will allow more families to be involved. The proposed amendments were sent out via email. We would also like to add a December meeting and delete a June meeting. Bylaw changes were passed around. Cathy moved that we amend the bylaws, and John seconded. Vote passed, and there were no objections. The slate of officers will be voted on in the May meeting. People who are interested in being on the Board next year should contact Dawn Schindler.
- Student Update by Alex Holcomb — The AP Survival Kits are still being sold. Interested parents should contact Rebeccah Gould. The money goes to the student account under Mrs. Martin. The AP Survival Kits are only for CMA students. Dawn suggested that next year, the students may want to open it up to all AP students, and that the booster club would be happy to assist. Susan said that it could also be coordinated with the AP Booster Club.
- Meeting was adjourned for the scheduled speaker, Dr. Wheeler.