Friday, April 13, 2012

CMA Booster Club Minutes 04/10/12

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Brown, S. Patel, L. Williams, K. Hughes, Y. Sidhu, S. Madhani, T. O’Brien, Cathy Hendrickson, M. Tran, M. Jones, P. Willis, H. Ryskoski, J. Martin, B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, V. Fisher, B. Pullarkat, A. Pullarkat, L. Wettig, Ayesha Hussain, Altaf Hussain, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl Salanty welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Lisa Williams made a motion to approve the minutes dated March 20, 2012. Salima Madhani seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Cheryl Salanty led a discussion on the proposed changes to the CMA Booster Bylaws. The changes primarily involved adding a vice president position, changing titles of current vice presidents to chairpersons and reflecting their actual duties, making webmaster an executive officer, and splitting the secretary position into secretary and membership chairperson. In addition, a membership fee for the CMA Booster Club will be assessed similar to other CISD booster clubs. Other corrections of the bylaws were discussed. A copy of the bylaws draft has been distributed. Patty Willis made a motion to approve the bylaws. It was seconded by Lisa Williams and the motion passed unanimously.

Cheryl Salanty also discussed additional scholarship opportunities. Mimi Tran has done a great job soliciting various physicians to donate to the scholarships to be given to seniors at the awards banquet. Friday April 13th is the cut-off date for the physicians to agree to donate. This will allow time to get the information into the program and on the banner for the awards banquet. Next year a more formal solicitation campaign will be done. Scholarship applications from seniors are due April 20th. So far, 9 applications have been received and more are expected.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,508. Checks paid and cleared were $7,020. The ending balance was $4,488. So far Maribeth has $3,360 of awards banquet checks that need to be deposited.

The contract for the Hilton was discussed. The guaranteed payment for 366 guests has been made. Based on actual RSVPs an additional payment may be required. The amount estimated will fluctuate until the incoming freshmen are contacted and have a chance to RSVP.

Yash Sidhu read the following slate of officers for next year:
President - Vicky Fisher
Vice President - Open
Fundraising - Mimi Tran
Secretary - Lisa Williams
Membership - Mary Ann Jones
Fall Kick-Off/Physicians’ Breakfast - Kathryn Hughes
Internships - Shilpa Patel
Awards Banquet - Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
Webmaster - Altaf Hussain
Treasurer - Maribeth Wonson
Volunteers/Parent Class Rep Coordinator - Patty Willis
Mentor/Mentee - Kristy Floyd
Parliamentarian - Cheryl Salanty
Freshman Parent Class Rep - Open
Sophomore Parent Class Rep - Suzanne Harding
Junior Parent Class Rep - Yash Sidhu/Salima Madhani
Senior Parent Class Rep - Nancy Lesky/Patty Willis

Shilpa Patel gave an update on internships. She has begun working on the summer internships.

Patty Willis needs volunteers to assist the teachers during the last six weeks. It is 1 to 2 hours on a Friday. If you can volunteer, please contact Patty.

Cheryl Salanty reported that they will be ordering 10 more IPADS which will bring the total to 20. Becky Goodman, webmaster, will load apps. Altaf Hussain gave information on the pricing of applications.

Mrs. Martin reported that the incoming freshmen have been selected. There are 55 freshmen and up to 3 sophomores that will be admitted into the program. The administration decided to only accept CISD students into the program. In the future, the administration will do a study to track the success of CISD only applicants. While the students have been selected this was done without names so Mrs. Martin does not know who actually has been selected.

Mrs. Martin reported that next year’s sophomores will travel to CSHS for anatomy. Pre AP chemistry will be at the high school.

Armaan Kang reported on the picnic. Next year parents should be sent a reminder about the picnic rather than relying solely on facebook.

Hayley Ryskoski reported that the students are organizing a CMA relay for life team. A purple bucket is in the classroom to collect donations. If any parent knows of some fundraising options such as the Cici’s Pizza please let Hayley know as they are looking to raise money for the team.

Mrs. Martin reminded the freshmen parents about the lab sessions and the AP study sessions. Students were given a schedule of the dates and times.

Catie Hendrickson reported that there will be a mentor/mentee meeting on April 25th.

Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig led a discussion on the upcoming awards banquet. If anyone can donate balloons please contact Lyn Flaherty. Silent auction items are still being accepted and will be until May 4th. So far they have received spa packages, golf packages, SAT prep courses, Starbucks baskets, etc. Everyone is encouraged to contact vendors they may know, especially nail salons.

The next Booster Club meeting is scheduled for May 10, 2012. Officers for next year will be elected then.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

CMA Booster Club Agenda 04/10/12


I. President – Cheryl Salanty
a. Welcome
b. Approval of Minutes
c. By-law Revisions
d. Membership Revision
e. Additional Scholarship
II. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
IV. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
a. Present slate of executive board nominees
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Volunteers – Patty Willis
VII. Parent Reps
VIII. Mrs. Martin
IX. Students – Armaan Kang