Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 02/08/11

Febuary 8, 2011
CMA Booster Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7pm.

1. Becky Goodman made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 2011 meeting. Maria Quinn seconded the motion. There wasn't any discussion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

2. Gay Burns gave treasurer's report
Opening balance : $10,845.08 as of January 2011
Deposits in January : $65.00
Expenses in January: $2,303.78
Ending Balance: $8,606.30

Projected expenses for February 2011
Physician's Breakfast Room Fee - $300

3. See attached budget that was voted on for Spring and Carry Over for 2011-2012 School Year. Cathy Henderson made a motion to accept the Spring and Carry Over Budget. Melissa Ripley seconded. There wasn't any discussion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

4. Directories are in Mrs. Martin's room while supplies last.

5. Mrs. Martin is selecting menu items for the banquet on Thursday, February 17th. She is going over the program layout with Natalie Genco. Shari Cutler said she would chair the silent auction and she had several people that offered to help her.

6. Dawn Schindler has 24 Physician Groups that have agreed to internships. There are 18 sections participating in the internships. It is imperative the a Sophomore or Junior parent get with Dawn and learn the process as her child will be graduating. The internship program is VERY vital to the program and offers the students opportunities in college to participate in additional programs based on their experiences. Students can also do internships in the summer. Mrs. Martin will take applications for internships for the summer and those will be awarded during the banquet. Some hospitals in the area have internship applications online for the summer.

7. Cathy Hendrickson - The Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting will be April 25th. The format has not been finalized. Cathy is working with Mrs. Martin on the details.

8. Melissa Ripley - The Physician's Breakfast is right around the corner on Wednesday, February 16th at White Chapel Methodist Church. Set up should be fairly light as the facility provides tables and covers. If you would like to help, please be there at 7am.

Rotations start at 8:15 am and go until 10am. The program will likely continue until 3pm.

Sandwiches and drinks will be served for $7. Students have to have their money in by Friday, the 11th. There is a sign up sheet in Mrs. Martin's room.

9. Becky Goodman and Mrs. Martin are working to get donated laptops up and running. There are 8 currently working with the correct software. Troubleshooting for the others continues.

10. Natalie Genco has been working with the principals from both High Schools to ensure that CMA is recognized in the yearbook and the graduation program.

11. Nancy Lesky still needs parent volunteers for Fridays for an hour. Please contact her bout volunteering! The CMA teachers could really use the help!

12. Reports by officers:
• Nancy Lesky - Sophomore Parent Rep - working with Patty Willis on planning a
social for February.
• Yash Sidhu is working with Pari Sihihi regarding a Junior social. They are
planning on Skate Town but maybe looking at a different facility.
• Ann Dachniwsky is working with Grace Dotson for the Senior Class Social - the
seniors will work on their banquet boards together.
• Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky have several events planned in the near

Meeting Adjourned at 8:00pm

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 02/08/11

The February CMA Booster Club meeting will be on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Ms. Martin's room. All CMA parents are considered booster club members and encouraged to attend.


1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, January 2011

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns
3. VOTE on budget for spring semester (budget is below)

4. Directory Update - They are available now in Ms Martin's room while supplies last.

5. Banquet update - Ms. Martin

We still need a volunteer to oversee the silent auction.

6. Dawn Schindler -- Internships/Spring Speakers.

7. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting update

8. Melissa Ripley -- Physician Breakfast update

9. Update on getting donated computers functional--Becky Goodman and Ms Martin

10. Update on CMA recognition in yearbooks and in graduation program--Natalie Genco

11. Parent volunteers for Fridays update--Nancy Lesky

12. Those below who are present will give an update.

* Freshman Parent Representative: Salima Madhani and Mona Pate
* Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
* Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi
* Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson
* Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky
* Mrs. Martin

13. New business not on the agenda

14. Spring Budget 2011

Account balance as of Jan 12, 2011 $8,818.56

Projected expenses through April, 2011

Cartridge for Ms. Martin's printer $400

Logger pro software (for students to do labs) $210

Physician Breakfast facility rental ($300) food ($200)= $500

Class social events 4 (one for each class) x $100 = $400

Mentor Mentee event before AP Bio = $200

CMA directories (100 x $1 ea) = $100

Banquet invitations and postage $350

Total projected spring expenses= $2160

Projected Balance April 2011= $8818.56 - $2160 = $6658.56

Need to set aside $6750 for prepayment of banquet food due April 21. (We should have this through banquet ticket sales which will begin in late February. Last year we had $12,000 come in from banquet ticket sales).

Projected Expenses for Banquet May 2011

Scholarships $500 x 3 = $1500 (May add more scholarships depending on funds available)
Banquet decorations $200
Place cards and programs $300
Teacher gifts for the banquet $1500
Total Banquet expenses = $3500 (These monies will come from banquet ticket sale funds)

Projected profits from silent auction: $4,000 (based on last year raised at auction $4480)

Need to carry a minimum balance over the summer for fall semester of:

$ 30 website domain expense
$300 Board liability insurance
$200 freshman family BBQ in June
$400 Class summer social events ($100 ea class x 4 classes)
$300 promotional items to sell at football games
$350 Student fall kickoff
$2500 Spring 2012 Banquet Deposit
$300 Two mentor/mentee events

$4380 Total minimum balance to carry over the summer (This will come from silent auction proceeds and left over funds from the spring budget)

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 01/11/11

January 11th, 2011 Minutes
1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, December 2010 - the meeting was called
to order at 7pm with 10 in attendance not including Student Representatives and
Mrs. Martin. Nancy Lesky made a motion to approve the minutes from the
December 2010 meeting. Patty Willis seconded. A vote was taken and was
approved unanimously.
2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns - We have an available balance of $8,798.56.
Approximate Projected Expenses include:
• Invitations and Postage for Banquet - $300
• Cartridges for Mrs. Martin’s copier (previously supplied by CMAB) - $400
• Class Social Events - $400
• Mentor/Mentee Gatherings $200
• Directories - $100
• Physician’s Breakfast Expenses - $500
• Banquet Deposit - $6750
• Scholarships - $1500 (we have to see how much is available after Banquet
- this amount will increase if we have more to spend)
• Plan for next year Carry Over - $unknown at the time of the meeting
We will get back the $6750 from the Banquet Deposit with attendee
3. Fundraising
-Cookbook update. 400 cookbooks ordered and received. 118 pre orders picked
up out of 198.48 additional sold. We are looking for school events at which to sell
cookbooks. We need a Volunteer to call about 60 people who have not picked up
their cookbooks. (Nancy Lesky will call some but we need more volunteers)
4. Directory Update -Tracey Shuck
VOTE on funding a directory order. A motion to print 100 Student Directories for
$100 and have them available in Mrs. Martin’s class for those that would like one
was made by Ann Dachniwsky. The motion was seconded by Cathy Hendrickson. A
vote was taken and passed unanimously.
5. Booster Board nametags - Melissa Ripley made nametags for the Board so that
we can wear them to events and meetings. Thank you Melissa.
6. Banquet update - Mrs. Martin has committed to chairing the banquet committee.
She has two student volunteers that will be helping her.
Carroll Medical Academy Boosters
We need a volunteer to oversee the silent auction.
7. Discuss budget for spring semester. - The Spring Budget was discussed based on
what expenditures are foreseen for the Spring Semester.
8. Katie Dachniwsky motioned to purchase a $400 Printer Cartridge for Mrs.
Martin’s printer that the CMAB supplied for her. Melissa Ripley seconded. A
vote was taken and passed unanimously.
9. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meetings - looking for ideas for the
next Mentor/Mentee meeting. Options were discussed but dates have to be
10. Melissa Ripley -- Physician Breakfast is on February 17, 2011 at Whites Chapel
Church in the Wesley Hall. The breakfast starts at 7:45am. Students will need
$10 for their lunches that day but breakfast will be provided. Melissa will need
volunteers to bring donuts, Chic Fil A mini biscuits, etc.
11. Dawn Schindler - Internships/Spring Speakers - VOLUNTEER -if you have some
extra time and could help Dawn with phone calls please call her at
11. Update on getting donated computers functional - laptops ready to have
operating system software installed when the wireless router to the classroom goes
in. Uncertain if Logger Pro software was purchased yet.
12. Update on battered women's shelter project - the Sophomore’s took on this
project as it was charity work and they felt it should be personal instead of entire
13. Updates
• Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis - Will be going to Main
Event for their next social but a date has not been set.
• Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi - Will be going to Skatetown in
February on a Saturday but exact date not set.
• Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson - trying to pin point dates
that seniors would have available as a group.
• Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky - the December picnic at
Bicentennial Park was a great success. Planning two more picnics - one in
February and one in April.
14. New business not on the agenda - Nancy Lesky will be sending out a
Parent Volunteer Email Request to continue to help Mrs. Martin at the school
on Fridays.