Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 02/08/11

The February CMA Booster Club meeting will be on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Ms. Martin's room. All CMA parents are considered booster club members and encouraged to attend.


1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, January 2011

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns
3. VOTE on budget for spring semester (budget is below)

4. Directory Update - They are available now in Ms Martin's room while supplies last.

5. Banquet update - Ms. Martin

We still need a volunteer to oversee the silent auction.

6. Dawn Schindler -- Internships/Spring Speakers.

7. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting update

8. Melissa Ripley -- Physician Breakfast update

9. Update on getting donated computers functional--Becky Goodman and Ms Martin

10. Update on CMA recognition in yearbooks and in graduation program--Natalie Genco

11. Parent volunteers for Fridays update--Nancy Lesky

12. Those below who are present will give an update.

* Freshman Parent Representative: Salima Madhani and Mona Pate
* Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
* Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi
* Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson
* Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky
* Mrs. Martin

13. New business not on the agenda

14. Spring Budget 2011

Account balance as of Jan 12, 2011 $8,818.56

Projected expenses through April, 2011

Cartridge for Ms. Martin's printer $400

Logger pro software (for students to do labs) $210

Physician Breakfast facility rental ($300) food ($200)= $500

Class social events 4 (one for each class) x $100 = $400

Mentor Mentee event before AP Bio = $200

CMA directories (100 x $1 ea) = $100

Banquet invitations and postage $350

Total projected spring expenses= $2160

Projected Balance April 2011= $8818.56 - $2160 = $6658.56

Need to set aside $6750 for prepayment of banquet food due April 21. (We should have this through banquet ticket sales which will begin in late February. Last year we had $12,000 come in from banquet ticket sales).

Projected Expenses for Banquet May 2011

Scholarships $500 x 3 = $1500 (May add more scholarships depending on funds available)
Banquet decorations $200
Place cards and programs $300
Teacher gifts for the banquet $1500
Total Banquet expenses = $3500 (These monies will come from banquet ticket sale funds)

Projected profits from silent auction: $4,000 (based on last year raised at auction $4480)

Need to carry a minimum balance over the summer for fall semester of:

$ 30 website domain expense
$300 Board liability insurance
$200 freshman family BBQ in June
$400 Class summer social events ($100 ea class x 4 classes)
$300 promotional items to sell at football games
$350 Student fall kickoff
$2500 Spring 2012 Banquet Deposit
$300 Two mentor/mentee events

$4380 Total minimum balance to carry over the summer (This will come from silent auction proceeds and left over funds from the spring budget)

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