Friday, February 10, 2012

CMA Booster Club Minutes 02/07/12

CMA Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, B. Trivedi, V. Fisher, Cathy Hendrickson, B. Pullarkat, A. Pullarkat, N. Lesky, L. Wettig, S. Madhani, S. Newman, M. Sloane, Y. Sidhu, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl Salanty welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Maribeth Wonson made a motion to approve the minutes dated January 7, 2012. Audrey Miller seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

The next meeting falls during Spring Break. Therefore, it was agreed that the meeting would be moved to Tuesday, March 20. Susan Everett will send out an email to notify every one of the change.

Cheryl Salanty reported that a scholarship committee is being formed to review the scholarship applications. Members of the committee will include Dr. Rollins, Maribeth Wonson, and two members from the community. Mrs. Martin added that the applications will be “blinded” so that the committee members will not know who is applying. Applications will be available shortly and will be due back April 20th.

Cheryl Salanty also reported that a nominating committee is being formed to come up with the slate of officers for next school year. Yash Sidhu, parliamentarian, will chair this committee. If you are interested in serving on this committee or running for an office please let Cheryl or Yash know. Also current board members should let Yash know if they are interested in continuing in their current position. Current freshmen parents are wanted to serve as assistants to certain board positions, such as VP – Internships, so that they can eventually step into that position.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,357. Checks paid and cleared were $121. The ending balance was $11,236. A deposit for $390 and a check for $108 are still outstanding. Once those clear the balance will be $11,518.
Cheryl Salanty led a discussion on the Spring Budget Proposal. The following items were discussed:

 The amount that should be carried over to next year versus the amount to be used this school year. This relates to the CMA Booster Club account and not the CISD controlled account relating to CMA.
 The silent auction usually generates enough money to pay the deposit for the next year’s banquet location.
 $5,000 may be good estimate of the amount to carry over until the next school year.
 Do not want to go too low as the number of students has been increasing.
Cathy Hendrickson made a motion that $4,000 should be targeted for scholarships. This amount can change based on number of applicants and other factors. Nancy Lesky seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. This will be revisited when the applications come in.

A parent volunteer is needed for two hours to help with copying, etc. on February 17th. Shauna Newman volunteered.

Mrs. Martin gave an update on the internships. All is going smoothly.
Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig gave an update on the awards banquet in May. They are looking at options for the invitations whether sending by mail or through Evite. They have begun working on volunteer assignments, coordinating with a photographer and organizing the class baskets. They have already begun to solicit donation items. Please contact Audrey if you would like to help with obtaining auction items.
Vicky Fisher reported on the Career Day/Breakfast. Transportation to the event will not be provided and Mrs. Martin has told the students that. Many physicians are very enthusiastic about the event. It has gotten a good reputation and two representatives from other school districts will also be in attendance. The Trophy Club staff and Green Jackets will be helping so additional parent volunteers are not needed. Trusa Patel (parent and Luce Photography), a yearbook staff representative and Shauna Newman (CMA Booster Club Historian/Publicity) will be there taking pictures.

Many thanks go to Kathryn Hughes who has done a wonderful job obtaining the items and assembling the thank you goodie bags for the physicians. They are perfect and will be well received.

Cathy Hendrickson discussed the next Mentor/Mentee meeting on Wednesday, February 22 in the high school cafeteria. It will be a question and answer session on the practice AP exam that the students take.

Mrs. Martin discussed taking the AP exams. Parents should weigh whether or not taking the exam will help the student. AP scores become part of the student’s permanent record.

Becky Goodman reported that she is looking into a way to link paypal with our website. Also she worked on ensuring that the new CMA logo was functioning correctly.

Armaan Kang reported that the students held a fundraiser at CiCi’s Pizza. The check should be received soon. Also the juniors and seniors are going to Urban Air on Saturday, February 10th. The students will host a picnic in late March.

Salima Madhani reported that the sophomore class held a caroling party. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.