Thursday, October 13, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 10/11/11

CMA Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: S. Nair, A. Nair, B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, S. Patel, P. Hall, K. Hughes, M. Wonson, B. Trivedi, V. Fisher, Cathy Hendrickson, P. Alonzo, B. Brown, L. Wettig, L. Williams, P. Willis, B, Pullarkat, E. Dominici, and Anjali Pullarkat.

Cheryl welcomed everyone.

Cheryl provided an update on the Children’s Medical Center sponsorship. Fund receipt is anticipated soon. Preparation work has begun on the school bus ads featuring CMA and Children’s Medical Center.

All CMA letterhead will be updated to include the Children’s logo as well as the CMA logo. This letterhead should be used for all correspondence.

Becky Goodman made a motion to approve the minutes dated September 13, 2011. Vicky Fisher seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,362. Deposits were $620. Expenses were $1,016. The ending balance was $10,966.
The proposed budget was discussed. It will cover the period September 2011 through February 2012. The vote on the budget was postponed pending decisions on the Physicians’ Breakfast.

Patty Willis gave an update on Teacher Fridays. Volunteers are currently scheduled through November. There is one opening this week. If interested, contact Patty.

Shilpa Patel gave an update on internships. The physicians that participated last year are continuing with the program. In fact some have agreed to offer more internships. In addition, Shilpa is contacting 5 or 6 new physicians. Children’s Medical Center is interested in doing more internships. Cheryl and Shilpa will coordinate.

Lisa Wettig reported that another T-shirt order will be made on October 12th. Students are encouraged to wear the T-shirts to CMA sponsored community service projects, CMA information sessions and Parent University sessions on CMA. Senior students wear monogramed polo style shirts for internships. This assists the physicians in identifying the interns as well as providing good public relations for CMA.

Vicky Fisher led a discussion on the Physicians’ Breakfast. Over 300 people would need to be accommodated. 9th and 10th graders would be responsible for paying for their breakfast and lunch. 11th and 12th graders would just pay for their breakfast as they will go out for lunch. If students cannot afford the cost, they should contact Mrs. Martin and arrangements can be made. The CMA Booster Club would pay for the physicians’ meals. Anyone interested in contacting corporate sponsors to help defray the costs should contact Vicky Fisher or Cheryl Salanty. Also someone is needed to assist with physician gift bags.

Options were reviewed as to capacity, cost for 9th and 10th graders and cost for 11th and 12th graders, location, and other features. The three options were:
At CSHS in the library and in adjoining rooms $18.65 for breakfast and lunch, $6.60 for just breakfast.

Disadvantages are: space constraints, parking limited, interruptions of school bells, may be difficult to coordinate food service in cafeteria, not as impressive to physicians, physicians would have to move their presentations from room to room.

Trophy Club

$29 for breakfast and lunch, $12 for just breakfast

Large space, can accommodate 360 people, waiving many of the room fees, would need to provide map for new drivers to get there without travelling on the highway, ample parking, quiet.

The Piazza in Colleyville

$31 for breakfast and lunch, $17 for just breakfast

Large space, waiving many of the room fees, ample parking, quiet

Sue Harding made a motion to hold the Physicians’ Breakfast at the Trophy Club. Patty Willis seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Vicky will get various date options and discuss with Mrs. Martin. Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best days of the week. Ideally it would be in early February.

Cathy Hendrickson discussed the next Mentor/Mentee meeting. It will be on October 26 at 3:30 in the CHS Cafeteria. Halloween candy, apples, juice and water will be served. This year there has been increased participation from upper classmen and from freshmen. Cheryl and Cathy will coordinate the paper products for the meeting.

Mrs. Martin discussed the roll of the Parent Reps. Usually the Parent Reps coordinate a social gathering each semester.

Tutoring was discussed. Catie Hendrickson has a list of students willing to tutor. If it is done for community service hours, the teacher is responsible for signing off on the tutoring hours. The tutoring should be done on campus, usually in the classroom of the subject being tutored.

Mrs. Martin discussed the holiday gift exchange. It is done by class and entirely voluntary. She controls the list so that no one is overlooked. Usually breakfast items are served for the morning class and pizza is served for the later class.

Armaan Kang reported on the upcoming Halloween Party. It will be held October 30 in the SAC from 4 to 7. Food will be served. Class representatives are responsible for getting their class to bring assigned items. If parents are interested in volunteering as chaperones for the party and helping to set up or clean up please contact Patty Willis at Volunteer shifts will be from 3:30 to 5:30 and from 5:30 to 7:30. More details will be sent out by email. In addition, donations of Halloween decorations would be appreciated.

Armaan Kang also reported on the competition between grade levels for the Drinking Water for India program. Class representatives are coordinating this fund raiser. Parents are urged to ask their student about the competition and help raise funds. Grand prize is a Blue Bell ice cream party.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Monday, October 3, 2011

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 10/11/11

CMA Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
7 p.m.
Senior High School Room 414

I. President – Cheryl Salanty
a. Welcome
b. Update
II. Secretary – Susan Everett
a. Approval of Minutes
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
a. Report
b. Budget
IV. Volunteers – Patty Willis
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
VII. Physicians’ Breakfast – Vicky Fisher
VIII. Mentor/Mentee Program – Cathy Hendrickson
IX. Student Liaison – Nancy Lesky
X. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
XI. Webmaster – Becky Goodman
XII. Historian/Publicity – Shauna Newman
XIII. Freshmen Parent Rep Update – Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams
XIV. Sophomore Parent Rep Update – Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu
XV. Junior Parent Representative Update – Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
XVI. Senior Parent Representative Update – Bindu Pullarkat
XVII. Mrs. Martin
XVIII. Students – Armann Kang