Sunday, November 20, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 11/8/11

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, B. Trivedi, V. Fisher, Cathy Hendrickson, L. Williams, P. Willis, E. Dominici, S. Madhani, Y. Sidhu, M. Sloane, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Cheryl provided an update on the Children’s Medical Center sponsorship. Fund receipt is anticipated soon. The artwork on the school bus ads featuring CMA and Children’s Medical Center is set to go.

Mrs. Martin presented the giant-sized check from the Carroll Education Foundation for $7,500. This money will be used for 10 Ipads, apps and a docking station. Donations from Samsung and Wells Fargo have also been received.

Audrey Miller made a motion to approve the minutes dated October 11, 2011. Becky Goodman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $10,966. Deposits were $235. The ending balance was $11,201. Expenses paid but not yet cleared totaled $369.

The funds from Children’s will be included in a CISD district account and not in the CMA Booster Club account.

Anyone interested in serving on a committee to determine CMA needs and related funding should contact Cheryl.

Parents are urged to help sell the CMA Cookbooks. They would make great holiday gifts.

Patty Willis gave an update on volunteers. Volunteers assisted with the Halloween Party and are currently scheduled to help the teachers. Patty also provided a list of volunteers that were interested in helping with the Physicians’ Breakfast. Mrs. Martin has also coordinated that 8 Green Jackets would assist with the Physicians’ Breakfast.

Cheryl Salanty and Vicky Fisher gave an update on internships. Children’s Medical Center is interested in doing more internships. Shilpa Patel is also coordinating with UNT.

Audrey Miller reported that the Awards Banquet is May 5, 2012.

Vicky Fisher reported that over 100 invitations for the Physicians’ Breakfast have been sent out. If you know of a physician or other healthcare provider that might be interested, please contact Vicky.

Cathy Hendrickson discussed the next Mentor/Mentee meeting. It may be scheduled before exams. Past meetings have been successful with very low cost and high turnout.
Becky Goodman has begun work on the next newsletter. She still needs more articles. Contact Becky if you have information to be included in the newsletter.

Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu discussed a sophomore class party on November 18th from 4:30 – 6:30 at Skate Town.

Mrs. Martin discussed the AP tests and SAT subject tests. She will discuss these with the students in December.

The application for next year’s CMA incoming freshmen will be posted on line in January.

Armaan Kang reported that the Halloween Party went well.

Armaan Kang also reported on the competition between grade levels for the Drinking Water for India program. Class representatives are coordinating this fund raiser. Currently the senior class is leading the competition.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 11/8/11

I. President – Cheryl Salanty
    a. Welcome
    b. Update
II. Secretary – Susan Everett
    a. Approval of Minutes
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
    a. Report
    b. Budget
IV. Volunteers – Patty Willis
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
VII. Physicians’ Breakfast – Vicky Fisher
VIII. Mentor/Mentee Program – Cathy Hendrickson
IX. Student Liaison – Nancy Lesky
X. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
XI. Webmaster – Becky Goodman
XII. Historian/Publicity – Shauna Newman
XIII. Freshmen Parent Rep Update – Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams
XIV. Sophomore Parent Rep Update – Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu
XV. Junior Parent Representative Update – Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
XVI. Senior Parent Representative Update – Bindu Pullarkat
XVII. Mrs. Martin
XVIII. Students – Armaan Kang

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 10/11/11

CMA Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: S. Nair, A. Nair, B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, S. Patel, P. Hall, K. Hughes, M. Wonson, B. Trivedi, V. Fisher, Cathy Hendrickson, P. Alonzo, B. Brown, L. Wettig, L. Williams, P. Willis, B, Pullarkat, E. Dominici, and Anjali Pullarkat.

Cheryl welcomed everyone.

Cheryl provided an update on the Children’s Medical Center sponsorship. Fund receipt is anticipated soon. Preparation work has begun on the school bus ads featuring CMA and Children’s Medical Center.

All CMA letterhead will be updated to include the Children’s logo as well as the CMA logo. This letterhead should be used for all correspondence.

Becky Goodman made a motion to approve the minutes dated September 13, 2011. Vicky Fisher seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,362. Deposits were $620. Expenses were $1,016. The ending balance was $10,966.
The proposed budget was discussed. It will cover the period September 2011 through February 2012. The vote on the budget was postponed pending decisions on the Physicians’ Breakfast.

Patty Willis gave an update on Teacher Fridays. Volunteers are currently scheduled through November. There is one opening this week. If interested, contact Patty.

Shilpa Patel gave an update on internships. The physicians that participated last year are continuing with the program. In fact some have agreed to offer more internships. In addition, Shilpa is contacting 5 or 6 new physicians. Children’s Medical Center is interested in doing more internships. Cheryl and Shilpa will coordinate.

Lisa Wettig reported that another T-shirt order will be made on October 12th. Students are encouraged to wear the T-shirts to CMA sponsored community service projects, CMA information sessions and Parent University sessions on CMA. Senior students wear monogramed polo style shirts for internships. This assists the physicians in identifying the interns as well as providing good public relations for CMA.

Vicky Fisher led a discussion on the Physicians’ Breakfast. Over 300 people would need to be accommodated. 9th and 10th graders would be responsible for paying for their breakfast and lunch. 11th and 12th graders would just pay for their breakfast as they will go out for lunch. If students cannot afford the cost, they should contact Mrs. Martin and arrangements can be made. The CMA Booster Club would pay for the physicians’ meals. Anyone interested in contacting corporate sponsors to help defray the costs should contact Vicky Fisher or Cheryl Salanty. Also someone is needed to assist with physician gift bags.

Options were reviewed as to capacity, cost for 9th and 10th graders and cost for 11th and 12th graders, location, and other features. The three options were:
At CSHS in the library and in adjoining rooms $18.65 for breakfast and lunch, $6.60 for just breakfast.

Disadvantages are: space constraints, parking limited, interruptions of school bells, may be difficult to coordinate food service in cafeteria, not as impressive to physicians, physicians would have to move their presentations from room to room.

Trophy Club

$29 for breakfast and lunch, $12 for just breakfast

Large space, can accommodate 360 people, waiving many of the room fees, would need to provide map for new drivers to get there without travelling on the highway, ample parking, quiet.

The Piazza in Colleyville

$31 for breakfast and lunch, $17 for just breakfast

Large space, waiving many of the room fees, ample parking, quiet

Sue Harding made a motion to hold the Physicians’ Breakfast at the Trophy Club. Patty Willis seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Vicky will get various date options and discuss with Mrs. Martin. Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best days of the week. Ideally it would be in early February.

Cathy Hendrickson discussed the next Mentor/Mentee meeting. It will be on October 26 at 3:30 in the CHS Cafeteria. Halloween candy, apples, juice and water will be served. This year there has been increased participation from upper classmen and from freshmen. Cheryl and Cathy will coordinate the paper products for the meeting.

Mrs. Martin discussed the roll of the Parent Reps. Usually the Parent Reps coordinate a social gathering each semester.

Tutoring was discussed. Catie Hendrickson has a list of students willing to tutor. If it is done for community service hours, the teacher is responsible for signing off on the tutoring hours. The tutoring should be done on campus, usually in the classroom of the subject being tutored.

Mrs. Martin discussed the holiday gift exchange. It is done by class and entirely voluntary. She controls the list so that no one is overlooked. Usually breakfast items are served for the morning class and pizza is served for the later class.

Armaan Kang reported on the upcoming Halloween Party. It will be held October 30 in the SAC from 4 to 7. Food will be served. Class representatives are responsible for getting their class to bring assigned items. If parents are interested in volunteering as chaperones for the party and helping to set up or clean up please contact Patty Willis at Volunteer shifts will be from 3:30 to 5:30 and from 5:30 to 7:30. More details will be sent out by email. In addition, donations of Halloween decorations would be appreciated.

Armaan Kang also reported on the competition between grade levels for the Drinking Water for India program. Class representatives are coordinating this fund raiser. Parents are urged to ask their student about the competition and help raise funds. Grand prize is a Blue Bell ice cream party.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Monday, October 3, 2011

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 10/11/11

CMA Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
7 p.m.
Senior High School Room 414

I. President – Cheryl Salanty
a. Welcome
b. Update
II. Secretary – Susan Everett
a. Approval of Minutes
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
a. Report
b. Budget
IV. Volunteers – Patty Willis
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
VII. Physicians’ Breakfast – Vicky Fisher
VIII. Mentor/Mentee Program – Cathy Hendrickson
IX. Student Liaison – Nancy Lesky
X. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
XI. Webmaster – Becky Goodman
XII. Historian/Publicity – Shauna Newman
XIII. Freshmen Parent Rep Update – Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams
XIV. Sophomore Parent Rep Update – Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu
XV. Junior Parent Representative Update – Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
XVI. Senior Parent Representative Update – Bindu Pullarkat
XVII. Mrs. Martin
XVIII. Students – Armann Kang

Sunday, September 18, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 09/13/11

CMA Booster Club Meeting

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were 58 parents and 35 students. Cheryl welcomed everyone. Yard signs, decals, cookbooks and T-shirts were for sale at the front table.

In order to keep our meeting time shorter, our board committees have submitted updates. These updates by CMA Board Officers were distributed at the meeting. See copy attached at the end of these minutes.

Our first CMA newsletter was sent out with up-dates from teachers and the CMA Board. This publication will be published on a quarterly basis. It is a great form of communication. Thanks to Becky Goodman for getting this out.

The meeting broke for a Presentation by Dr. Rebecca Rollins about the college application process and SAT/ACT Q&A session.

The meeting resumed at 7:50 p.m. when Cheryl called the meeting back to order.

The Children's Medical Center has agreed to a $10,000 sponsorship of the CMA program. This contract was accepted and approved at the CISD school board meeting on September 12th. These funds will go in a CMA activities district fund. As part of the marketing for this sponsorship we will have several bus ads featuring CMA and Children's Medical Center. Also, there will be an ad on the website. These funds will be used for educational materials/equipment and educational opportunities for our students. In addition to these funds, we have received Bronze sponsorship funds from many parents in the form of $100.00 donations to our EDGE program, plus a $500.00 sponsorship from Samsung. Please help continue working with this program by picking up an EDGE donation flier and asking for further support of CMA. Also, please check for matching gifts at your company.

Mrs. Martin has been working on a grant to be submitted to the Carroll Education Foundation this week for $7,500 for the CMA program. This grant is for 10 I Pads and a docking station and camera cord. As these funds, if received, will only cover the cost of the I Pads and docking station but will not cover the cost of the APPS to be used on the I Pads, funds from the CMA activity funds will be requested to complete this project.

Cheryl made a motion to elect Shauna Newman as the Publicity/Historian position. The motion was seconded by Maribeth Wonson. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Freshman parent reps are Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams. Sophomore parent reps are Yash Sidhu and Salima Madhani. Senior parent rep is Bindu Pullarkat. There is still an opening for VP Fundraising. Please let Cheryl or Yash Sidhu know if you are interested.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s report. Opening balance was $8,928. Deposits were $2,935. Expenses were $500. The ending balance as of August 29th was $11, 363. Expenses still to be paid were $801 for the Kickoff party, Junior Class Party, and Mentor Party.

The CMA Fall Budget Proposal was distributed. It covers the time period September 2011 through February 2012. Any additional items should be submitted to Cheryl by September 30. This budget proposal will be voted on at the next Booster Club meeting in October.

Maribeth Wonson made a motion to approve the payment of the CMA Booster Club Board liability insurance renewal of $315. Lisa Wettig seconded the motion. A vote was taken and it was unanimous.

Vicky Fisher discussed various options for the Physicians’ Breakfast/Career Day. CMA has outgrown previous venues. One option would be to hold it in the CSHS library and nearby classrooms. This would keep student costs down. However, it might still be crowded and by having it on campus, might detract from the “specialness” of the event. Another option would be to hold it off campus at possibly Timarron Country Club or Piazza in Colleyville. With breakfast and lunch this would cost each student $25-30 each. A more detailed cost analysis will be compiled and presented at the next meeting. Please contact Vicky Fisher with other suggestions or if you would like to serve on the committee.

Armaan Kang, student board President, reported that Student Representative Applications are due on Friday. Also the CMA Students will be operating a face and hair painting booth at the Homecoming Carnival on September 21st. More student volunteers are needed. Also anyone interested in donating supplies for the event should contact Armaan.

Christian Shannon, student, reported that volunteers are also needed to help with Southlake’s Octoberfest on September 30 – October 2.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

CMA Booster Club

Officer Update

September 13, 2011

The following reports were submitted by officers that will not be giving a report at the meeting:

Second Vice President (Volunteers): Patty Willis

There has been a good response from volunteers to help with Teacher Fridays, the Physician’s Breakfast, and the Awards Banquet. Susan Everett has worked to compile information from parent information sheets into a master list of the parents who are
interested in helping. We had enough volunteers at the kick-off sign up for Teacher Fridays that each volunteer is scheduled to work at the school just once every 12 weeks. Mrs. Martin has expressed appreciation on behalf of the CMA teachers for the help in the classroom. The newsletter request for volunteers to sell cookbooks at Curriculum Night or the Homecoming Carnival has not resulted in any response to date.

Third Vice President (Internships): Shilpa Patel

Have compiled the list of physicians to be contacted and have also sent out the first few emails. Seniors will begin their first internship in December and the other two will be spread over the spring.

Fourth Vice President (Special Events – Fall Kickoff and Awards
Banquet): Lisa Wettig and Audrey Miller

We first began the summer by securing a location and date for our spring banquet. After visiting several sites and talking to multiple hotels, we decided on the Hilton DFW Lakes in Grapevine. Our date of the banquet is Saturday, May 5, 2012 and will begin at 6:30 pm. Cheryl brought a check for our deposit of 2250.00, and we will be required to pay the balance on May 5, 2012. Patty Willis had banquet sign ups at the kick off meeting, and we will review the sheet to ensure that we have the help we need.
Our next project was to work on the Back to School Kick-off Party. We held the event at the CSHS SAC, and we had a great attendance of students and parents. As parents entered, we offered them our CMA merchandise including: t-shirts, bumper stickers, yard signs, and cookbooks. We ordered fifty t-shirts for the event and sold a little over half of them. Also, we gave the opportunity for parents to donate to the new CMA Edge that will work to provide better facilities and opportunities for CMA students and teachers. Everyone brought salads and desserts, and Roxann Taylor graciously donated the water for our event. We ordered 30 cheese pizzas, which turned out to be too many, but the students were a great help in setting up and cleaning before we left. At the meeting, Mrs. Martin, Cheryl Salanty, Mrs. Lowery, and Dr. Rollins addressed the parents and gave an overview of what to expect for the year. The students were also given a tour of the rooms and shuttle pick up instructions to aid in their first day of school. We felt like the event was a success as students and parents alike walked away feeling more informed about the year ahead with everything from classes to booster club events.

We will place a final t-shirt order in September, and we will work on the banquet as needed.

Sixth Vice President (Mentor/Mentee Program):
Cathy Hendrickson

Mentor Mentee meeting is scheduled for September 14, 2011 at 3:20 (immediately after school) in the CHS cafeteria. Drinks and snacks will be provided and mentors will be present to answer questions in preparation for upcoming Biology test or to answer any general CMA questions. If you have any questions feel free to contact Cathy Hendrickson at

Seventh Vice President (Liaison to Student Board/CM Students): Nancy Lesky

Would like the dates of activities planned sent to her so she can take this to the students, and post on Facebook for them to know. She plans to attend the next student meeting as well.

Secretary: Susan Everett

The 2011 CMA Booster Directory is being compiled. A draft will be placed on the website for final review shortly. Parents who would like to change their student’s information should contact Susan at

Webmaster: Becky Goodman

The first newsletter for 2011-2012 has been sent out. For the website update, Christian Genco created two new pages on the website. One will hold copies of the newsletter and the Edge brochure, and the other will host information about our sponsor(s). News & Events page has been updated with all of the dates spelled out in Mrs. Martin's section of the newsletter. Booster Board has been updated with known members and their email addresses. Please check it and let me know if I am missing any board members or parent reps. Photos have been added to the gallery from the Fall KickOff and Picnic.

Parliamentarian: Yash Sidhu

The following positions are still vacant: First Vice President (Fundraising) and Sophomore Parent Representatives.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 09/13/11

The meeting will be held on 9/13/11 at 7 p.m. in the CHS Library. Dr. Rollins will speak at 7:15 p.m. regarding the college application process and ACT/SAT testing.

I. President
a. Welcome

II. Presentation by Dr. Rebecca Rollins about the college application process and SAT/ACT Q&A session

III. President (Continued)
a. Update
b. Vote on new board members

IV. Treasurer
a. Report
b. Budget

V. Insurance

VI. Healthcare Professionals’ Breakfast

VII. Mrs. Martin's Update

VIII. Students Update

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 06/28/11

On June 28, 2011 a request was submitted by Cheryl Salanty to elect Maribeth Wonson as the CMA Treasurer. This was approved by a majority vote of the CMA Board.

On June 28, 2011 a request was submitted by Cheryl Salanty to approve CMA funds in the amount of $2,250 to secure the Hilton DFW for May 5, 2012. This was approved by a unanimous vote of the CMA Board.

On Wednesday June 29, 2011 a contract was signed to secure the Hilton DFW for the CMA Banquet.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 05/19/11

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Natalie Genco. In attendance were: Cathy Hendrickson, Ann Dachniwsky, Melissa Ripley, Sherry Martin, Lyn Flaherty, Beena Trivedi, Natalie Genco, Nancy Lesky, Patty Willis, Gay Burns, and Becky Goodman.

A correction to the prior minutes was announced (the Seventh VP - Student Liaison position being filled by Nancy Lesky had inadvertently been left off). Becky Goodman motioned to approve the corrected minutes. Beena Trivedi seconded. A vote was held, and the motion carried.

A vote was held to add three additional $500 scholarships totaling $1500 to be given out at the Awards Banquet. This is in addition to the three scholarships that we had already approved. There will be a total of six $500 scholarships this year. Cathy Hendrickson motioned, and Patty Willis seconded to approve the expenditure. Motion carried.

Mrs. Martin has asked for an additional $200 for banquet expense funds. She said that the programs would be created inhouse. Nancy Lesky motioned to approve the extra funds, and Cathy Hendrickson seconded. Motion carried. Mrs. Martin mentioned that the decorating and silent auction committees will be able to get into the DFW Hilton at 12:30 p.m. to begin getting ready for the banquet.

The complete slate of officers for the 2011-2012 is as follows:

- President: Cheryl Salanty
- First Vice President (Fundraising): Open
- Second Vice President (Volunteers): Patty Willis
- Third Vice President (Internships & Summer Volunteers): Shilpa Patel
- Fourth Vice President (Special Events - Fall Kickoff and Awards Banquet): Open
- Fifth Vice President (Special Events-Professionals Breakfast and Parent Activities): Vicky Fisher
- Sixth Vice President (Mentor/Mentee Profram): Cathy Hendrickson
- Seventh Vice President (Liaison to Student Board/CMA Students): Nancy Lesky
- Secretary: Open
-- Webmaster: Becky Goodman
- Treasurer: Open
- Parliamentarian: Yash Sidhu

Melissa Ripley motioned to approved the slate, and Lyn Flaherty seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.

Monday, May 16, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 05/19/11

AGENDA for May 19, 2011

1. Vote on adding three $500 scholarships for a total of $1500 to be given out at the banquet.

2. Vote on adding $200 in banquet expense funds for Ms. Martin.

3. Vote on the new slate as listed below.

Revised Booster Board Slate for 2011-2011 School Year:

* President: Cheryl Salenty
* First Vice President (Fundraising): Open
* Second Vice President (Volunteers): Patty Willis
* Third Vice President (Internships & Summer Volunteers): Shilpa Patel
* Fourth Vice President (Special Events-Fall Kickoff and Awards Banquet): Open
* Fifth Vice President (Special Events-Professionals Breakfast and Parent
Activities): Vicky Fisher
* Sixth Vice President (Mentor/Mentee Program): Cathy Hendrickson
* Seventh Vice President (Liaison to Student Board/CMA Students): Nancy Lesky
* Secretary: Open
o Webmaster: Becky Goodman
* Treasurer: Open
* Parliamentarian: Yash Sidhu

CMA Booster Club Meeting Minutes - 05/10/11

CMA Booster Meeting Agenda - May 10, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with Natalie Genco, Dawn Schindler, Melissa Ripley, Cathy Hendrickson, Tracey Shuck, Gay Burns, Becky Goodman, Ann Dachniwsky, Patty Willis, Sherry Martin, Janie Smythe, Jeff Martin, Cheryl Salanty, Sue Seitz, Kerry Seitz, Jeane Deters, Becky Brown, Marina Sloane, and Vicky Fisher in attendance.

Cathy Hendrickson made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 2011 meeting. Becky Goodman seconded the motion. A vote was called and passed unanimously.

Gay Burns gave the treasurer’s report:
Opening Balance $7,660.68
Deposit $7,720
Expenses $7484.99
Ending Balance (as of April 30, 2011) $5,895.69

Vote on Slate of Officers for CMA Booster Board for 2011-2012 school year was not held. However, a nomination from the floor was given by Melissa Ripley for Cheryl Salanty for the Office of President. A paper ballot was delivered to all in attendance to decide on the slated officer position of President per the By-Laws.

For personal reasons, Gay Burns has had to step down and can not hold the office of First Vice President (Fundraising)

The 2011-2012 Slate was previously reported as:

President: Natalie Genco
First Vice President (Fundraising): Gay Burns
Second Vice President (Volunteers): Patty Willis
Third Vice President (Internships & Summer Volunteers): Shilpa Patel
Fourth Vice President (Special Events - Fall Kickoff and Awards Banquet): Open
Fifth Vice President (Special Events - Professionals Breakfast & Parent Activities): Vicky Fisher
Sixth Vice President (Mentor/Mentee Program): Cathy Hendrickson
Secretary: Open
Webmaster: Becky Goodman
Treasurer: Open
Parliamentarian: Yash Sidhu

Mrs. Martin gave the Banquet update: The Banquet is Saturday, May 21st, and it looks like we have met the minimum number of attendees required by the Hotel. Incoming Freshman invitations have gone out. All RSVP’s are listed on the CMA Booster website. Please check to make sure we have your RSVP.

Gay Burns asked us to decide on the quantity and amount of the CMA Scholarships. It was decided that we would wait until we determine how much money is left over after our final banquet payment.

Tracey Shuck noted that the incoming Freshman names have not been given to her yet but that she will work on the directory as soon as she has them. It is our hope to have the directory at the banquet for purchase. Remember to go to if you would like to be added to the directory.

Cathy Hendrickson indicated there was a good turnout for the Spring Mentor/Mentee meeting. Pizza seems to be a big hit.

Natalie Genco reported that “vendor” tables are not allowed at graduation. Dr. Rollins did think the cookbooks would be a good graduation gift and thought we should look into partnering with Project Graduation.

Becky Goodman and Mrs. Martin indicated that the Cook Children’s Opening was a huge success. As a result, Cook’s may create more opportunities for internships for the CMA students. There is a Children’s Medical Specialty Care center opening in Southlake in June. Information to help out at this function will be sent out very soon.

Natalie Genco reported that the committee decided that a gift card was not necessary to go along with the awards. There will be a Mentor Award and a Spirit of CMA Award given.

A list of gifts for CMA teachers and support staff was handed out at the meeting in order to keep this information a surprise from Mrs. Martin. Cathy Hendrickson made a motion to accept the list as gifts that would be given at banquet to teachers and support staff. Patty Willis seconded it. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.

Other Committee Reports:

Dawn Schindler suggested we make appreciation certificates for the EMT’s that allowed the students to do ride-alongs.

Patty Willis - Sophomore Parent Representative indicated that she would have a pool party at her home this summer for the Sophomores.

Ann Dachniwsky indicated that the seniors decided to forgo their social budget in order to provide Banquet tickets for the EMT’s.

NEW BUSINESS: A pass-the-torch gathering will be held at Gay Burns home for incoming officers and outgoing officers on June 6th at 6 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Friday, May 6, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 05/10/11

Our May booster club meeting will be on Tuesday, May 10 from 7:00-8:00 pm in Ms. Martin's room (Upstairs 414) in the Senior High. All CMA parents are considered booster club members and encouraged to attend.

May 10, 2011 Agenda:

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, April 2011

2. Treasurer's report - Gay Burns

3. Vote on slate of candidates for CMA Booster Board for 2011-2012 school year--Yash Sidhu will present the slate.

Booster Board Slate for 2011-2011 School Year

* President: Natalie Genco
* First Vice President (Fundraising): Gay Burns (Part Time)
* Second Vice President (Volunteers): Patty Willis
* Third Vice President (Internships & Summer Volunteers): Shilpa Patel
* Fourth Vice President (Special Events-Fall Kickoff and Awards Banquet): Open
* Fifth Vice President (Special Events-Professionals Breakfast and Parent Activities): Vicky Fisher
* Sixth Vice President (Mentor/Mentee Program): Cathy Hendrickson
* Seventh Vice President (Liaison to Student Board/CMA Students): Nancy Lesky
* Secretary: Open
o Webmaster: Becky Goodman
* Treasurer: Open
* Parliamentarian: Yash Sidhu

4. Banquet (Sat May 21) update -- Ms. Martin

5. CMA Scholarships -- Gay Burns

6. Directory Update -- Tracey Shuck.

7. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting Recap

8. Dragon Food Cookbook -- Promotions for graduation recommended by Dr. Rollins -- Natalie Genco

9. Cook Children's opening Recap - Ms Martin, Becky Goodman

10. Vote on giving gift cards to those receiving outstanding student volunteer and mentor awards.

11. Update on teacher gifts for the banquet. We will pass out sheets of paper at the meeting with what we are planning so as not to ruin the surprise for Ms Martin and other CMA teachers.

12. Those below who are present will give an update:

* Dawn Schindler: Summer Internships
* Freshman Parent Representative: Salima Madhani and Mona Pate
* Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
* Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi
* Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson
* Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky

13. New business not on the agenda

Monday, April 18, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 04/12/11

Those in attendance: Natalie Genco, Nancy Lesky, Dawn Schindler, Melissa Ripley, Tracey Shuck, Gay Burns, Yash Sidhu, Becky Goodman, Salima Madhani, Sherry Martin, Reed Ripley (student), Marina Sloane, Janie Smythe

Meeting Called to Order - 7:01pm

Becky Goodman made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 2011 meeting. Nancy Lesky seconded the motion. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously.

Gay Burns gave the treasurer’s report. As of March 1, 2011 - the opening balance was $8,080.08 Disbursements totalled $419.40 The ending balance as of March 31, 2011 $7,660.68

Mrs. Sherry Martin gave the Banquet Update - The Banquet will be held on Saturday, May 21st) - the menu, decorations, etc. are taken care of. The Silent Auction chair, Shari Cutler is working on the silent auction. Sheri is collecting items for the silent auction for those who wish to donate. Invites are still coming in with a May 1st RSVP deadline. Mrs. Martin will have signs up for seating in the class. Gay Burns is taking care of the seating. Outgoing Freshman parents will be seated with incoming Freshman parents. Mrs. Martin will not have an incoming Freshman count until approximately May 16th. When we get the information, invitations will go out to incoming freshman families.

Dawn Schindler made a motion to set aside $100.00 for a second printing of the student phone directories. These will include the incoming Freshman and be sold at the banquet for $3. Salima Madhani seconded the motion. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Martin will send home a link for those current students that were not originally in the Student Phone book but would like to be listed for the second printing. If your student was not included in the original phonebook and would like to be listed in the next, go to this web address and fill out the information you would like printed.

On April 27, 2011 a Mentor/Mentee Meeting will be held at the Senior High campus. Sophomores will work with Freshman to help prepare them for the AP Biology exam. There will also be a video series on Ecology that Mrs. Martin will play. Pizza and snacks will be served. Cathy Hendrickson needs a count of those who will attend. She needs sophomores to sign up to help the Freshman.

Natalie Genco will check with the counselors to see if it is possible to sell Dragon Food Cookbooks at graduation for our continuing Fundraising.

Mrs. Martin is still in need of adult volunteers for the Cook Children’s Opening Fundraiser. Students have to be 15 before or by the date of the opening in order to volunteer. If you are interested as an adult or student volunteer, please send Becky Goodman an email letting her know.

Nancy Lesky purchased a printer cartridge for Mrs. Martin’s printer in the amount of $422. It is a high yield cartridge that should provide more copies.

Internship/Speaker Update - Dawn Schindler is working on having a few extra internships by next spring due to enlarging class sizes. Some that are taking students now can offer more than one rotation to students. 25 hours is difficult to fit in with school work, jobs, etc. Feedback from those providing the internships is good. The EMT ride-alongs are very popular. Cook Children’s and Dallas Children’s Medical Center specialty clinics opening in Southlake may help add internships. Summer internships are being worked on.

Freshman Parent Representative, Salima Madhani reported that she and Mona Pate are working on a date for the Freshmen to get-together.

Sophomore Parent Representative, Nancy Lesky reported that she and Patty Willis are working on a date for the Sophomore’s to get together.

Junior Parent Representatives, Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi are working on a possible Six Flags trip for the Juniors to get together.

Student Class Rep, Reed Ripley reported that the Seniors have a mandatory meeting in class next Wednesday. They will then meet on April 29th at the Ripley's home to make their boards.

Dr. Peter Kwong is an orthopedic surgeon who has been practicing in the area for 11 years. He is going to be helping CMA with the internship program. The class sizes are growing so the need for internships is growing. Dr. Kwong will visit with his colleagues and spread the word about the program and the need for internship assignments.

New Business -

Dr. Rollins, our CMA counselor, has books (Acceptance, Colleges that Change Lives) she loans out to students regarding colleges . They are almost always on loan. CMA Boosters would like to purchase more copies of those books for Dr. Rollins.

The Booster Student Award Committee met and decided on award titles and qualifications. Those awards will be given out at Banquet.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:07pm

Monday, April 11, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 04/12/11

Our April booster club meeting will be on Tuesday, April 12 from 7:00-8:00 pm in Ms. Martin's room (Upstairs 414) in the Senior High. All CMA parents are considered booster club members and encouraged to attend.

April 12 2011, Agenda

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, March 2011

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns

3. Banquet (Sat May 21) update - Ms. Martin

4. Discussion and Vote on setting money aside to print directories to sell at the banquet.

5. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting update

6. Fundraising idea--Natalie Genco--Selling Dragon Food Cookbooks at graduation.

7. Cook Children's opening - Ms Martin

8. Printer cartridge update--Nancy Lesky

9. Becky Goodman--Website update

10. Those below who are present will give an update:

* Dawn Schindler: Internship/Speaker update
* Freshman Parent Representative: Salima Madhani and Mona Pate
* Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
* Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi
* Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson
* Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky

11. Dr. Peter Kwong--Has graciously offered to be a liaison to the CMA program. He will discuss ideas for the program with the boosters.

12. New business not on the agenda

Thursday, March 24, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Minutes - 03/08/11

CMA Boosters - March 8, 2011 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm. Natalie Genco, Dawn Schindler, Melissa Ripley, Tracey Shuck, Gay Burns, Salima Madhani, Reed Ripley, Patrice Hall, Marina Sloane, Beena Trivedi, Shilpa Patel, Juliana Shiminski and Sherry Martin were in attendance.

A motion was make by Melissa Ripley to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2011 meeting. Dawn Schindler seconded. A vote was called and the motion was approved unanimously.

Directory Update (Sherry Martin) - there are 2 directories left that are available to CMA students or parents in Mrs. Martin’s room.

Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting - The meeting is being arranged by Cathy Hendrickson and will take place on March 27th. The Biology students will get to meet with mainly Sophomores for their AP Exam reviews. The students will need to sign up ahead of time in order for their to be a good count for providing food for the event.

Banquet Update (Sherry Martin)- The Banquet will be held on Saturday, May 21st. The menu has been selected, the room arrangement decided and the silent auction committee have met twice. After returning from Spring Break, the number of incoming Freshmen invitations will be determined and can go out. The invitations are printed and the envelopes will soon be printed and mailed out.

Physician’s Breakfast Recap (Melissa Ripley)- The Physician’s Breakfast took place on February 16th. There was a total of 21 businesses represented. Dr. Strike and Dr. Faltys came and were kind enough to fill in when EMT’s were called out on an emergency. The total cost for the Breakfast was $756.83. Donations totaled $256.83. The $500.00 remaining was the amount budgeted for the Breakfast. Feedback indicated this was the most organized Physician’s Breakfast yet while the acoustics were somewhat off and people had a hard time hearing.

Donated Computers (Sherry Martin) - Becky Goodman and Maggie Goodman worked hard to get the remaining computers in working condition with the correct software on them. The computers were used in a lab and the students had positive remarks about being able to use them. They were able to capture data and print it out in class. The computers will mainly be used by the Chemistry Students for their labs but the Biology students will use them for a couple of their labs. The computers are approximately 7 years old. We may need to look at fundraising or grant proposals for replacing them in the near future.

CMA Recognition in yearbooks and graduation programs (Natalie Genco) - Principal Rhodes indicated CMA will get 2 pages in the yearbook. Dr. Rollins is in charge of the graduation program and said we will have a letter after the CMA students names indicating the program. Possibly the letter “C”

School Board Candidate Speakers for April Meeting ( Sherry Martin) - the candidates can not give speeches on the school premises. If the candidates are going to speak to the CMA Boosters it will have to be at a different venue.

Cook Children’s Opening (Sherry Martin) - Mrs. Martin is getting a contract to sign and will do so with the understanding that CMA Boosters will need to determine whether or not we can get enough volunteers for the event. If the Boosters are unable to get enough volunteers, she is offering it to the CMA Students and will share the duties with Mu Alpha Theta. The $1600 donation from Cooks would be split between the two groups. The event takes place at the new location off of 1709 on Friday, April 22nd from 2-6pm for set-up and on Saturday April 23rd from 8am until 6pm (several shifts will be divided up). On Saturday from 8-10am volunteers will be setting up; from 10-2 the actual Grand Opening takes place and then from 2-6 Clean-up. Mrs. Martin will work out the volunteer shifts. Eight adult volunteers are need to be present during each shift.

Internships/Speaker Update (Dawn Schindler)- All internships are in place. A physician contacted Dawn about possibly becoming the CMA Boosters Physician Liaison.

Freshman Parent Representative (Salima Madhani) - working on a possible social. She will send the information to Natalie Genco so that interest can be determined from the Freshmen students.

Student Class Rep (Reed Ripley) - A student meeting will be held soon to discuss Spring and Summer events.

New Business Not on the Agenda - Sherry Martin asked that all emails, ideas, etc. are presented to either herself or the Booster President to ensure that anything being planned meets with the guidelines she has to adhere to in regards to school and district policies.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm

SPEAKER: Ms. Gina Peddy spoke to the group about the AP Program, SAT Scores, the new STAR tests and changes that will take place in regards to Graduation Plans and curriculum changes for incoming Freshman and younger.

A video of Ms. Peddy's presentation can be found at

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 03/08/11

The March booster club meeting will be on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 from 7:00-7:45 pm in Ms. Martin's room (Upstairs 414) in the Senior High. All CMA parents are considered booster club members and encouraged to attend.

From 7:45 - 8:15 pm following our meeting and in the same room, we are excited to announce a speaker, Ms Gina Peddy. Ms. Petty was hired this year by the school district as the new Gifted and Talented and Advanced Academics Coordinator. She was the Advanced Placement coordinator in Coppell for 15 years. The last 5 years she was assistant principal in charge of testing. Her mission is to improve test scores on the ACT, SAT, PSAT and to help parents better understand the importance of AP classes and boost the number of students taking AP classes and AP tests. She brings tremendous experience and knowledge of gifted education to Carroll ISD.

Meeting Agenda:

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, February 2011

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns

3. Directory Update - They are available in Ms Martin's room while supplies last.

4. Banquet (Sat May 21) update - Ms. Martin

5. Spring Mentor/Mentee Update - Cathy Hendrickson

6. Physician Breakfast Recap - Melissa Ripley

7. Update on getting donated computers functional--Ms Martin

8. Update on CMA recognition in yearbooks and in graduation program -- Natalie Genco

9. School Board candidate speakers in April - Natalie Genco

10. Cook Children's opening - Ms Martin

11. Those below who are present will give an update:

* Internship/Speaker update: Dawn Schindler
* Freshman Parent Representative: Salima Madhani and Mona Pate
* Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
* Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi
* Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson
* Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky

12. New business not on the agenda

7:45 pm Speaker, Ms Gina Peddy

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 02/08/11

Febuary 8, 2011
CMA Booster Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7pm.

1. Becky Goodman made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 2011 meeting. Maria Quinn seconded the motion. There wasn't any discussion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

2. Gay Burns gave treasurer's report
Opening balance : $10,845.08 as of January 2011
Deposits in January : $65.00
Expenses in January: $2,303.78
Ending Balance: $8,606.30

Projected expenses for February 2011
Physician's Breakfast Room Fee - $300

3. See attached budget that was voted on for Spring and Carry Over for 2011-2012 School Year. Cathy Henderson made a motion to accept the Spring and Carry Over Budget. Melissa Ripley seconded. There wasn't any discussion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

4. Directories are in Mrs. Martin's room while supplies last.

5. Mrs. Martin is selecting menu items for the banquet on Thursday, February 17th. She is going over the program layout with Natalie Genco. Shari Cutler said she would chair the silent auction and she had several people that offered to help her.

6. Dawn Schindler has 24 Physician Groups that have agreed to internships. There are 18 sections participating in the internships. It is imperative the a Sophomore or Junior parent get with Dawn and learn the process as her child will be graduating. The internship program is VERY vital to the program and offers the students opportunities in college to participate in additional programs based on their experiences. Students can also do internships in the summer. Mrs. Martin will take applications for internships for the summer and those will be awarded during the banquet. Some hospitals in the area have internship applications online for the summer.

7. Cathy Hendrickson - The Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting will be April 25th. The format has not been finalized. Cathy is working with Mrs. Martin on the details.

8. Melissa Ripley - The Physician's Breakfast is right around the corner on Wednesday, February 16th at White Chapel Methodist Church. Set up should be fairly light as the facility provides tables and covers. If you would like to help, please be there at 7am.

Rotations start at 8:15 am and go until 10am. The program will likely continue until 3pm.

Sandwiches and drinks will be served for $7. Students have to have their money in by Friday, the 11th. There is a sign up sheet in Mrs. Martin's room.

9. Becky Goodman and Mrs. Martin are working to get donated laptops up and running. There are 8 currently working with the correct software. Troubleshooting for the others continues.

10. Natalie Genco has been working with the principals from both High Schools to ensure that CMA is recognized in the yearbook and the graduation program.

11. Nancy Lesky still needs parent volunteers for Fridays for an hour. Please contact her bout volunteering! The CMA teachers could really use the help!

12. Reports by officers:
• Nancy Lesky - Sophomore Parent Rep - working with Patty Willis on planning a
social for February.
• Yash Sidhu is working with Pari Sihihi regarding a Junior social. They are
planning on Skate Town but maybe looking at a different facility.
• Ann Dachniwsky is working with Grace Dotson for the Senior Class Social - the
seniors will work on their banquet boards together.
• Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky have several events planned in the near

Meeting Adjourned at 8:00pm

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 02/08/11

The February CMA Booster Club meeting will be on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Ms. Martin's room. All CMA parents are considered booster club members and encouraged to attend.


1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, January 2011

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns
3. VOTE on budget for spring semester (budget is below)

4. Directory Update - They are available now in Ms Martin's room while supplies last.

5. Banquet update - Ms. Martin

We still need a volunteer to oversee the silent auction.

6. Dawn Schindler -- Internships/Spring Speakers.

7. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meeting update

8. Melissa Ripley -- Physician Breakfast update

9. Update on getting donated computers functional--Becky Goodman and Ms Martin

10. Update on CMA recognition in yearbooks and in graduation program--Natalie Genco

11. Parent volunteers for Fridays update--Nancy Lesky

12. Those below who are present will give an update.

* Freshman Parent Representative: Salima Madhani and Mona Pate
* Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
* Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi
* Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson
* Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky
* Mrs. Martin

13. New business not on the agenda

14. Spring Budget 2011

Account balance as of Jan 12, 2011 $8,818.56

Projected expenses through April, 2011

Cartridge for Ms. Martin's printer $400

Logger pro software (for students to do labs) $210

Physician Breakfast facility rental ($300) food ($200)= $500

Class social events 4 (one for each class) x $100 = $400

Mentor Mentee event before AP Bio = $200

CMA directories (100 x $1 ea) = $100

Banquet invitations and postage $350

Total projected spring expenses= $2160

Projected Balance April 2011= $8818.56 - $2160 = $6658.56

Need to set aside $6750 for prepayment of banquet food due April 21. (We should have this through banquet ticket sales which will begin in late February. Last year we had $12,000 come in from banquet ticket sales).

Projected Expenses for Banquet May 2011

Scholarships $500 x 3 = $1500 (May add more scholarships depending on funds available)
Banquet decorations $200
Place cards and programs $300
Teacher gifts for the banquet $1500
Total Banquet expenses = $3500 (These monies will come from banquet ticket sale funds)

Projected profits from silent auction: $4,000 (based on last year raised at auction $4480)

Need to carry a minimum balance over the summer for fall semester of:

$ 30 website domain expense
$300 Board liability insurance
$200 freshman family BBQ in June
$400 Class summer social events ($100 ea class x 4 classes)
$300 promotional items to sell at football games
$350 Student fall kickoff
$2500 Spring 2012 Banquet Deposit
$300 Two mentor/mentee events

$4380 Total minimum balance to carry over the summer (This will come from silent auction proceeds and left over funds from the spring budget)

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 01/11/11

January 11th, 2011 Minutes
1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, December 2010 - the meeting was called
to order at 7pm with 10 in attendance not including Student Representatives and
Mrs. Martin. Nancy Lesky made a motion to approve the minutes from the
December 2010 meeting. Patty Willis seconded. A vote was taken and was
approved unanimously.
2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns - We have an available balance of $8,798.56.
Approximate Projected Expenses include:
• Invitations and Postage for Banquet - $300
• Cartridges for Mrs. Martin’s copier (previously supplied by CMAB) - $400
• Class Social Events - $400
• Mentor/Mentee Gatherings $200
• Directories - $100
• Physician’s Breakfast Expenses - $500
• Banquet Deposit - $6750
• Scholarships - $1500 (we have to see how much is available after Banquet
- this amount will increase if we have more to spend)
• Plan for next year Carry Over - $unknown at the time of the meeting
We will get back the $6750 from the Banquet Deposit with attendee
3. Fundraising
-Cookbook update. 400 cookbooks ordered and received. 118 pre orders picked
up out of 198.48 additional sold. We are looking for school events at which to sell
cookbooks. We need a Volunteer to call about 60 people who have not picked up
their cookbooks. (Nancy Lesky will call some but we need more volunteers)
4. Directory Update -Tracey Shuck
VOTE on funding a directory order. A motion to print 100 Student Directories for
$100 and have them available in Mrs. Martin’s class for those that would like one
was made by Ann Dachniwsky. The motion was seconded by Cathy Hendrickson. A
vote was taken and passed unanimously.
5. Booster Board nametags - Melissa Ripley made nametags for the Board so that
we can wear them to events and meetings. Thank you Melissa.
6. Banquet update - Mrs. Martin has committed to chairing the banquet committee.
She has two student volunteers that will be helping her.
Carroll Medical Academy Boosters
We need a volunteer to oversee the silent auction.
7. Discuss budget for spring semester. - The Spring Budget was discussed based on
what expenditures are foreseen for the Spring Semester.
8. Katie Dachniwsky motioned to purchase a $400 Printer Cartridge for Mrs.
Martin’s printer that the CMAB supplied for her. Melissa Ripley seconded. A
vote was taken and passed unanimously.
9. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meetings - looking for ideas for the
next Mentor/Mentee meeting. Options were discussed but dates have to be
10. Melissa Ripley -- Physician Breakfast is on February 17, 2011 at Whites Chapel
Church in the Wesley Hall. The breakfast starts at 7:45am. Students will need
$10 for their lunches that day but breakfast will be provided. Melissa will need
volunteers to bring donuts, Chic Fil A mini biscuits, etc.
11. Dawn Schindler - Internships/Spring Speakers - VOLUNTEER -if you have some
extra time and could help Dawn with phone calls please call her at
11. Update on getting donated computers functional - laptops ready to have
operating system software installed when the wireless router to the classroom goes
in. Uncertain if Logger Pro software was purchased yet.
12. Update on battered women's shelter project - the Sophomore’s took on this
project as it was charity work and they felt it should be personal instead of entire
13. Updates
• Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis - Will be going to Main
Event for their next social but a date has not been set.
• Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi - Will be going to Skatetown in
February on a Saturday but exact date not set.
• Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson - trying to pin point dates
that seniors would have available as a group.
• Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky - the December picnic at
Bicentennial Park was a great success. Planning two more picnics - one in
February and one in April.
14. New business not on the agenda - Nancy Lesky will be sending out a
Parent Volunteer Email Request to continue to help Mrs. Martin at the school
on Fridays.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

CMA Booster Club Meeting Agenda - 01/11/11

Agenda for January 11, 2011:

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting, December 2010

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns

3. Fundraising

-Cookbook update. 400 cookbooks ordered and received. 118 pre orders picked up out of 198. 48 additional sold.
We are looking for school events at which to sell cookbooks.
We need a Volunteer to call about 60 people who have not picked up their cookbooks.

4. Directory Update -Tracey Shuck
VOTE on funding a directory order.

5. Booster Board nametags - Melissa Ripley.

6. Banquet update.

We need a volunteer to chair the banquet committee.
We need a volunteer to oversee the silent auction.

7. Discuss budget for spring semester.
VOTE on buying a printer cartridge (around $300-$400) for Ms. Martin's printer that we bought her.

8. Dawn Schindler -- Internships/Spring Speakers.

9. Cathy Hendrickson -- Spring Mentor/Mentee Meetings

10. Melissa Ripley -- Physician Breakfast

11. Update on getting donated computers functional.

12. Update on battered women's shelter project.

13. Those below who are present will give an update.

* Freshman Parent Representative: Salima Madhani and Mona Pate
* Sophomore Parent Representatives: Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
* Junior Parent Representative: Yash Sidhu and Pari Sahihi
* Senior Parent Representative: Ann Dachniwsky and Grace Dotson
* Student Class Reps: Reed Ripley and Katie Dachniwsky
* Mrs. Martin

14. New business