Sunday, November 20, 2011

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 11/8/11

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, B. Trivedi, V. Fisher, Cathy Hendrickson, L. Williams, P. Willis, E. Dominici, S. Madhani, Y. Sidhu, M. Sloane, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Cheryl provided an update on the Children’s Medical Center sponsorship. Fund receipt is anticipated soon. The artwork on the school bus ads featuring CMA and Children’s Medical Center is set to go.

Mrs. Martin presented the giant-sized check from the Carroll Education Foundation for $7,500. This money will be used for 10 Ipads, apps and a docking station. Donations from Samsung and Wells Fargo have also been received.

Audrey Miller made a motion to approve the minutes dated October 11, 2011. Becky Goodman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $10,966. Deposits were $235. The ending balance was $11,201. Expenses paid but not yet cleared totaled $369.

The funds from Children’s will be included in a CISD district account and not in the CMA Booster Club account.

Anyone interested in serving on a committee to determine CMA needs and related funding should contact Cheryl.

Parents are urged to help sell the CMA Cookbooks. They would make great holiday gifts.

Patty Willis gave an update on volunteers. Volunteers assisted with the Halloween Party and are currently scheduled to help the teachers. Patty also provided a list of volunteers that were interested in helping with the Physicians’ Breakfast. Mrs. Martin has also coordinated that 8 Green Jackets would assist with the Physicians’ Breakfast.

Cheryl Salanty and Vicky Fisher gave an update on internships. Children’s Medical Center is interested in doing more internships. Shilpa Patel is also coordinating with UNT.

Audrey Miller reported that the Awards Banquet is May 5, 2012.

Vicky Fisher reported that over 100 invitations for the Physicians’ Breakfast have been sent out. If you know of a physician or other healthcare provider that might be interested, please contact Vicky.

Cathy Hendrickson discussed the next Mentor/Mentee meeting. It may be scheduled before exams. Past meetings have been successful with very low cost and high turnout.
Becky Goodman has begun work on the next newsletter. She still needs more articles. Contact Becky if you have information to be included in the newsletter.

Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu discussed a sophomore class party on November 18th from 4:30 – 6:30 at Skate Town.

Mrs. Martin discussed the AP tests and SAT subject tests. She will discuss these with the students in December.

The application for next year’s CMA incoming freshmen will be posted on line in January.

Armaan Kang reported that the Halloween Party went well.

Armaan Kang also reported on the competition between grade levels for the Drinking Water for India program. Class representatives are coordinating this fund raiser. Currently the senior class is leading the competition.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 11/8/11

I. President – Cheryl Salanty
    a. Welcome
    b. Update
II. Secretary – Susan Everett
    a. Approval of Minutes
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
    a. Report
    b. Budget
IV. Volunteers – Patty Willis
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
VII. Physicians’ Breakfast – Vicky Fisher
VIII. Mentor/Mentee Program – Cathy Hendrickson
IX. Student Liaison – Nancy Lesky
X. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
XI. Webmaster – Becky Goodman
XII. Historian/Publicity – Shauna Newman
XIII. Freshmen Parent Rep Update – Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams
XIV. Sophomore Parent Rep Update – Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu
XV. Junior Parent Representative Update – Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
XVI. Senior Parent Representative Update – Bindu Pullarkat
XVII. Mrs. Martin
XVIII. Students – Armaan Kang