In attendance were: Maria Quinn, John Kresky, Melissa Ripley, Kim Holcomb, Alex Holcomb, Cathy Hendrickson, Jean Steele, Natalie Genco, Susan Carson, Mrs. LaCava, Cheryl Salanty and Becky Goodman.
Items covered include the following:
- Mrs. Martin's Gift — We on a gift idea for Mrs. Martin. The vote on the gift and dollar amount were unanimous.
- Treasurer's Report — The final balance as of 5/11/10 is $5739.02. Kim expects us to spend $2500 on the scholarships, $200 on expenses for the Banquet, around $1000 on gifts, $1200 for patches of which we should get about $1000 back from the students, and $100 for name tags for the Banquet. We will also raise money with the silent auction at the Banquet so our bank balance should be fine.
- Awards Banquet — We discussed complimentary tickets for the Banquet. Melissa needs to give the Marriott a final headcount by noon on 5/18/10. Currently, 367 people have rsvp'ed. Melissa brought a volunteer list with her. She's confirmed 10-12 students to work the registration tables. Suzette Tummons will coordinate the decorations again this year. Suzette will need six volunteers. Alex Holcomb and Rebeccah Gould will make the name tags. Melissa is requesting 8 dozen balloons, and a couple of auction bid runners as well as checkout volunteers. Rebeccah Gould is working on the program with Mrs. Martin. Susan will complete the fundraising project form for the Banquet and submit it to CISD. Interested parents should contact Melissa Ripley to volunteer time or balloons.
- Scholarship Applications — are due on 5/12/10. The committee is tentatively scheduled to meet on May 17, 2010.
- Computer Cabinet — We will give the Eagle Scout two more weeks.
- CMA Students — Alex Holcomb asked the Booster Board for support on a summer assignment survival kit to potentially sell at the Banquet. The Board would like to see a plan for what will be in the kit. Alex will discuss with the Student Board on Wednesday.
(Correction Submitted by Mrs. Martin) The Student Board officer applications are due to Mrs. Martin by 5/12/10. The election will be held the week of the banquet. Current 9th, 10th and 11th grade students are eligible to vote. Candidate information, as provided on each application, will be read to the students prior to voting to allow students to make informed decisions regarding student leaders for the 2010-2011 school year. The results of the executive officer election will be announced at the CMA Awards Banquet. Class representative elections will be held early next Fall. - Minutes — The minutes from the prior meeting were approved by unanimous vote.
- Election of Booster Board Officers — Dawn presented the slate of officer candidates for 2010-2011. The group voted on the slate, and it was approved unanimously.
- Officer Transition Meeting — Options were discussed for transitioning materials from the prior to the new officers. Dawn will send out potential dates for the meeting.
- Financial Planning for College — Cheryl presented a flier from Penumbra to potentially be passed out at the Awards Banquet. It was decided that it might be better to email it out to parents.