Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Minutes from 04/14/09

  • Susan welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Dr. Faltys.

  • Dr. Faltys told us that the highest nonvoting population in Southlake is parents with students. The future of our children is resting in the hands of people that do not have kids. He reminded us to vote early. The election is on May 9th, 2009. Voters can decide on each proposition separately.

    The long range planning committee recommended three propositions to the Board. They are as follows:

    • Proposition #1 — Includes construction of a fifth elementary to eliminate overcrowding at Johnson Elementary and Durham, new middle school, building additions, district-wide capital improvements, technology and infrastructure, maintenance and security for $114.1M.

    • Proposition #2 — is for new construction and facility improvements for art, athletics, band and theater for $19.3M. 84% of our students participate in extra-curricular activities vs 55% nationally.

    • Proposition #3 — Dragon Stadium improvements to expand home seating, replace turf, add parking/concessions/restrooms for $4.6M.

    Dr. Faltys stated that 31% of our property tax revenue goes back to the state for Robin Hood this year. Next year, it will be 38%. State funding is being cut from 57% to 36%. We get no federal money.

    There is supporting documentation for the propositions on CISD's website. CISD will fund these propositions by restructuring the existing debt so there will NOT be an increase to the property tax rate.

    It is critical that CISD parents vote. Early voting starts on 4/27 and goes through 5/5 with the election day being 5/9.

    Construction cycle ranges from 11 to 18 months so we should start seeing these improvements quickly if the propositions are approved.

  • CMA Awards Banquet — On to Booster Club news, Katie Ruelas discussed arrangements for the Awards Banquet, which will be held on 5/29. We will be in the Grand Ballroom, which seats 500 people. However, we will not be able to get into the room to decorate until 5 p.m. The decorating committee will need to be on top of getting the tables decorated. The silent auction committee members are: Molly Bullard, Melissa Ripley and Kim Holcomb. The decorations committee includes Suzette Tummons, Katie Ruelas and CMA Student Officers. The slide show committee includes Dawn Schindler, Matthew Carson and James.

    NOTE TO PARENTS: All graduating seniors need to send in at least 3-5 photos from childhood to graduation for the slide show. We'd also like to get where they're going to college, what their future plans are, who they'd like to thank for their inspiraton and what they wish for. This information can be sent to Dawn Schindler.

    Since the room is so large, we will need to have two screens to show the slide show. We will also need two data projectors.

    The silent auction will be in the foyer since we can't get in the room early enough to get it set up.

    The Marriott has donated a room for the volunteers to change in before the event starts.

    Table linens will be black with cream.

    The RSVP date is 5/15, and any that are turned in late will not be accepted. We ran into a problem with this last year, so the decision was made not to accept late entries.

    Registration table will be in the foyer.

    Katie got a book from Old Union Elementary with some ideas for the silent auction. Some of the ideas are for the City to donate a ride-along with an EMT for a day, senior lock-in, special tutoring session, ice cream/pizza party, game nights for students, art evening with wine & cheese, baskets.

    Rebeccah reported that the student officers gave out the packets for the silent auction. They've gotten a lot of gift cards so far.

  • Field Trip/Cruise — We have three options for the field trip next year:

    • Carnival (Galveston, TX) — 3/11 through 3/15; cruises from Galveston down to Cozumel and back. Charge is $565.51 per person. No airfare needed.

    • Disney (Canaveral, FL) — 3/11 through 3/13; cruises from Canaveral, FL to Nassau, Bahamas and back with two stops (Nassau and Castaway Cey). Cost for ocean view with balcony is $1200/person for the first two people and $640 for each additional person. Cost for ocean view is $890 each for the first two people and $393 for the next two people. Cost for interior cabin is $660 per person for the first two people and $373 for the additional two. We are required to reserve a minimum of 10 cabins. We should be able to get a group discount rate of up to 10% off this price if we book early. Would also need to purchase airfare.

    • Royal Carribbean (FL) — 3/11 through 3/15 with two stops. Cost is $412 per person. Airfare would need to be purchased.

    The vote indicated that most would rather do the Disney cruise so Mrs. Martin will get more information.

  • Scholarships — Mrs. Martin hasn't had time to look at the applications, but we need to set aside some money in order to retain our nonprofit status. We will earmark $2000 (up to 4 $500 scholarships) for now.

  • Patches — We need to know how many to order, and it will take three weeks to get them. The price has gone up $2 per patch. We need to have them on the night of the Awards Banquet.

  • CMA Stickers — We are down to two stickers. Kim will order 100 more.

  • Yard Signs — Students don't really seem interested, but the parents are. Susan will get a quote.

  • Upcoming dates:

    • 5/1 - Deadline for turning in silent auction items to Mrs. Martin or Molly Bullard

    • 5/29 – Summer Internship Assignments

    • 5/29– Senior Recognition

    • 5/29 – Awards Banquet

    • 6/5 – Graduation

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