Minutes from last night's CMA Booster Club Meeting are as follows:
- Laptop Cabinet Update — Mrs. Martin said that John Kresky brought an Eagle Scout by to take measurements for the cabinet.
- Funding — Mrs. Martin will be meeting with us in the near future to discuss specific project needs requiring funding.
- Internship Shirts — The seniors have already ordered their shirts for the internships. Alex believes that it was opened up to sophomores and juniors, too. They ordered black Polo-style shirts with white stitching and charged $20 each. The Boosters were also working on a shirt design, but we will use our's for the sophomore/junior summer internship program and possibly sell them at the Awards Banquet as a fundraiser. Dawn asked to see pictures of both shirts. Susan will contact Rebeccah Gould regarding shirts.
- Professionals Breakfast — Long and Melissa want to meet with Mrs. Martin to review the format for the breakfast.
- Speaker — Mrs. Martin is giving students an extra daily grade for attending the presentation tonight. She asked Natalie to do a sign-in sheet.
- Minutes — Dawn motioned that the minutes from the November meeting be approved, and Long seconded.
- Treasurer's Report — The current balance is $2,042.32. We will have expenses for Office 2003 of approximately $400, and we need to pay Mrs. Martin for the cruise for approximately $900, which can be paid when we're ready. The grant application for Southlake Women's Club has been completed and submitted. The CMAB income taxes have been filed and accepted by the IRS.
- Great Wolf Lodge — We only had 20 students sign up, and the drop dead date is Friday. Therefore, we're going to cancel this event, and we will have a post-mortem to go through the details. We'd like a student rep to participate in the post-mortem meeting. Gay did an awesome job negotiating this and getting it set up. Alex will address the event with the students at the next meeting to ascertain feedback about the lack of participation. If parents have any feedback, please provide it to Gay. The post-mortem committee will provide a report at the next meeting. Susan will contact the students for a representative for the post-mortem committee.
- Mentor/Mentee Program — Natalie needs the parent class reps to take over the mentor/mentee program since she is swamped. She said that the junios/seniors would like a meeting at CSHS. Community service hours are granted to the mentors, and the students all appreciate the food, both of which draw them in. She'd like to see more junior/senior particiption, and it was suggested that the upperclass members go to CHS. Natalie moved to put the program under the purview of the parent class reps, and have them report status to her as the Internship VP. Dawn seconded the motion. Natalie will contact the class reps to begin turnover.
- CMA Recognition at Commencement — CMA students are not identified in the graduation program. Susan will follow up with Mr. Rhodes. CMA grads do get a special cord or tassel, but they are listed with the other cords.
- Volunteers Needed — We will be needing (and asking for) volunteers for the Professional Breakfast, Awards Banquet and upcoming fundraisers. Please contact Cathy Hendrickson to volunteer.
- Speaker: Linda Robinson on the Genetics of Cancer — Natalie said that they will be taping the presentation since it is occurring on the night before finals begin. It will be posted on the website.
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