Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 14, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order - 7:14pm - 19 Members in Attendace

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting August 2010. Becky Goodman made a motion to approve the Minutes from the August 2010 Meeting. Nancy Lesky seconded. The approval of the minutes was passed by a unanimous vote. The motion carried.

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns - see Report Attached

3. Fundraising

-T Shirts- First order is in and Ms Martin has them. Will place a second order soon.

-Football trinket sales update.

Sold 78 cowbells. ($58.5 cost of cowbells) Profit $153.5 Have about 150 left for the next football game.

Sold 136 Dragon Snappers ($272 cost ) Profit $408 (Found on box of 12 left over).

Dragon Snappers were the big money maker but the bells helped attract attention.

$892 (took in). Less costs of good sold= Total profit and donations $561.50

-Cookbook update. Cost $5 each sell for $10 each. We have 80 pre orders =$800 Minimum order = 300 books x $5 = $1500 less pre orders of $800=$700.

Update: Preorders 129 or $1,290.

Estimate of at least 15 more to come in still from first day packets.

Will have about 150 books to sell that are not pre-ordered.

This is not a lot so please pre-order if you want a book. No need for this vote.

*Need help Advertising solicitation for cookbook.

*Need help getting recipes from Carroll teachers and administrators. Can email or call them.

Deadline is Sept 30.

4. Vote on renewal of board liability insurance. $240 for one million of General Liability plus $75 for one million Non-profit officers liability=$315 Total for the year. Melissa Ripley made a motion to approve paying $315 for the Liability Insurance for the Booster Club. Kathy Hendrickson seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

  1. Banquet location update DFW Lakes Hilton and vote on increasing banquet deposit amount from $500 to $2200. Lia Machado-Morillo made a motion to approve increasing the deposit amount for the CMA Banquet from $500 to $2200. Yash Sidhu seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

  • Hilton wanted all monies paid 30 days before the event. Gay suggested we negotiate holding back 20% until the day of to make sure the room was ready etc. Hilton agreed.

  • Kathy Hendrickson is looking over the contract.

  • Natalie Genco, President will sign the contract in the next 2 days.

  • Cheryl Salanty decided she has too much on her plate and has decided to step down. She did a great job finding us a location. The position of Fourth Vice President (Special Events - Fall Kick Off & Awards Banquet) is open.
  • Students and Ms Martin do the program
  • Suzette Tummons is decorating
  • Need to find someone to oversee the silent auction and arranging all else for the banquet.
  • The most difficult part has probably been completed-location
  1. Update on computer cabinets - The Eagle Scout Project is complete.

7. Vote on whether or not to change the name of the Physician’s Breakfast. A motion was made by Kathy Hendrickson to keep the name of Physician’s Breakfast the same. Salima Madhani seconded it. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

8. The executive board members and parent class reps update:

A parent volunteer is needed for approximately every other week to help Mrs. Martin with copying, etc.

  • Third Vice President (Internships & Summer Volunteers): Dawn Schindler

Dawn is working on forming a committee for Internships

  • Fifth Vice President (Special Events-Professionals Breakfast and Parent Activities): Melissa Ripley

The Physician’s Breakfast will be late February or early March. A location is still being worked out. The invites will be out by November.

Parent Activities:

September 23 - Lunch at Central Market (12 Noon)

October 21 - Dinner at Central Market (7pm)

December 9 - Lunch at Central Market (12 Noon)

Mentor/Mentee school function September 15th - light snack

Planning others close to Halloween, another before the Holiday Break - she is open to ideas.

  • Seventh Vice President (Liaison to Student Board): Maria Quinn

The Board has not yet met.

waiting for Class Reps to be in office and get feedback on what they would like to do.

looking at doing get togethers around Halloween or Thanksgiving. Natalie Genco offered her house for a Game Night on a Friday.

nothing currently planned

9. Website - Becky Goodman posted the list of internships from last year and posted them on the website as well as the updated Bylaws.

10. Directory - Tracey Shuck asked for everyone to get their information filled out online so that we can get the directory printed. This form is used as the most up to date information regarding current emails. In order to everything to everyone in a timely manner via email, we need for everyone to go online to

11. Grant Writing - Tracey Shuck and Kathy Roberts are working on the Carroll Education Foundation Grant application. September 25th is the deadline.

12. Members in attendance voted on cookbook cover artwork. Final decisions will be made by the cookbook committee.

13. The District has hired Gina Petty to help with increasing AP Exam Participation. She was previously at Coppell ISD.

Meeting Adjourned - 7:48pm

September 2010 Carroll Medical Academy Booster's Treasury Report

09-14-2010 Balance in Account = $12,081.91

Checks Disbursed & cashed:

08/23 Susan Carson reimbursement = $59.88

09/01 Gay Burns for Dragon Pinchers = $ 312.00

09/03 Patricia Willis for Sophomore Class Party = $103.87

09/10 Cash(seed $) fundraiser at Dragon Stadium = $300

Deposits from 08/11 forward: Deposits are for t-shirt orders, cook book orders, donations & fundraiser:

08/13 Deposit: $ 85.00

08/27 Deposit: $1,015.00

09/10 Deposit: $ 995.00

09/13 Deposit: $1,192.00

09/13 Deposit $ 75.00

09/14 Deposit $ 325.00

$1,730 has been collected for t-shirt & cookbook orders. 129 cookbooks ordered(2 have not paid yet-working on this issue). Of the $1,730, $1,270 is allocated to cookbook orders and the rest to t-shirt orders.

Friday night fundraiser event summary:

$1192 - $300 (seed money) = $892.00

$892.00 -408 = $484 (bell profit and straight donations).

78 bells sold @ .75 cost = $ $58.5 COST for Friday bells sold

136 pinchers sold @ $2.00 cost each = $272 COST for Friday bells sold

Total cost for Friday sales = $ 330.50 (58.5 for bells & 272 for pinchers actually sold)

$892 Friday night revenue

-$330.5 Friday night costs

********$ 561.50 for Friday night profit per units sold!!!!!!!!

To date, $675 has been collected as CMA parent donations.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 09/14/10

Our September booster club meeting will be on Tuesday, September 14 at 7:00 PM in Ms. Martin's room (Upstairs 414) in the Senior High. All CMA parents are considered booster club members and encouraged to attend.

This meeting will be followed at 8:00 by our September CMA speakers in the library. (Please see announcement at the bottom of this page).

September 14 Agenda

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting August 2010

2. Treasurer's report-Gay Burns

3. Fundraising

  • T Shirts- First order is in. Will place a second order soon.
  • Football trinket sales update.
  • Cookbook update. Cost $5 each sell for $10 each. We have 80 pre orders =$800 Minimum order=300 books x$5 = $1500 less pre orders of $800=$700. Vote on increasing initial order amount budgeted from $300 to $700 to meet the minimum.
4. Vote on renewal of board liability insurance. $240 for one million of General Liability plus $75 for one million Non-profit officers liability=$315 Total for the year.

5. Banquet location update DFW Lakes Hilton and vote on increasing banquet deposit amount from $500 to $2200.

6. Update on computer cabinets

7. Renaming Physician Breakfast Suggestions: Medical Professionals' Day, Professionals' Day, Career Day.

8. The executive board members and parent class reps below who are present will give an update.

The Carroll Medical Academy is excited to announce their first speakers of the year.

On Tuesday, September 14 at 8 PM in the Library at Carroll Senior High we will have Rebecca Rollins, head counselor at Carroll. Dr. Rollins will speak from 8 - 8:15 on her role as counselor. Her lecture will include stress/balance/overall health and well being of students.

8:15-9 PM Frank Genco, MD, FACP, will speak on Effective Learning and Communication (reading, writing, speaking, math, thinking). Dr. Genco was high school valedictorian in NYC, accepted a full scholarship to Manhattan College, and entered medical school after his junior year without graduating college. He is Medical Director of EMC Express Care in N Richland Hills and is boarded in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Genco helped home school his 4 children including two who have been in The Carroll Medical Academy. He sponsors several CMA student internships each year and is an enthusiastic teacher.