Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were 58 parents and 35 students. Cheryl welcomed everyone. Yard signs, decals, cookbooks and T-shirts were for sale at the front table.
In order to keep our meeting time shorter, our board committees have submitted updates. These updates by CMA Board Officers were distributed at the meeting. See copy attached at the end of these minutes.
Our first CMA newsletter was sent out with up-dates from teachers and the CMA Board. This publication will be published on a quarterly basis. It is a great form of communication. Thanks to Becky Goodman for getting this out.
The meeting broke for a Presentation by Dr. Rebecca Rollins about the college application process and SAT/ACT Q&A session.
The meeting resumed at 7:50 p.m. when Cheryl called the meeting back to order.
The Children's Medical Center has agreed to a $10,000 sponsorship of the CMA program. This contract was accepted and approved at the CISD school board meeting on September 12th. These funds will go in a CMA activities district fund. As part of the marketing for this sponsorship we will have several bus ads featuring CMA and Children's Medical Center. Also, there will be an ad on the carrolldradons.com website. These funds will be used for educational materials/equipment and educational opportunities for our students. In addition to these funds, we have received Bronze sponsorship funds from many parents in the form of $100.00 donations to our EDGE program, plus a $500.00 sponsorship from Samsung. Please help continue working with this program by picking up an EDGE donation flier and asking for further support of CMA. Also, please check for matching gifts at your company.
Mrs. Martin has been working on a grant to be submitted to the Carroll Education Foundation this week for $7,500 for the CMA program. This grant is for 10 I Pads and a docking station and camera cord. As these funds, if received, will only cover the cost of the I Pads and docking station but will not cover the cost of the APPS to be used on the I Pads, funds from the CMA activity funds will be requested to complete this project.
Cheryl made a motion to elect Shauna Newman as the Publicity/Historian position. The motion was seconded by Maribeth Wonson. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Freshman parent reps are Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams. Sophomore parent reps are Yash Sidhu and Salima Madhani. Senior parent rep is Bindu Pullarkat. There is still an opening for VP Fundraising. Please let Cheryl or Yash Sidhu know if you are interested.
Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s report. Opening balance was $8,928. Deposits were $2,935. Expenses were $500. The ending balance as of August 29th was $11, 363. Expenses still to be paid were $801 for the Kickoff party, Junior Class Party, and Mentor Party.
The CMA Fall Budget Proposal was distributed. It covers the time period September 2011 through February 2012. Any additional items should be submitted to Cheryl by September 30. This budget proposal will be voted on at the next Booster Club meeting in October.
Maribeth Wonson made a motion to approve the payment of the CMA Booster Club Board liability insurance renewal of $315. Lisa Wettig seconded the motion. A vote was taken and it was unanimous.
Vicky Fisher discussed various options for the Physicians’ Breakfast/Career Day. CMA has outgrown previous venues. One option would be to hold it in the CSHS library and nearby classrooms. This would keep student costs down. However, it might still be crowded and by having it on campus, might detract from the “specialness” of the event. Another option would be to hold it off campus at possibly Timarron Country Club or Piazza in Colleyville. With breakfast and lunch this would cost each student $25-30 each. A more detailed cost analysis will be compiled and presented at the next meeting. Please contact Vicky Fisher with other suggestions or if you would like to serve on the committee.
Armaan Kang, student board President, reported that Student Representative Applications are due on Friday. Also the CMA Students will be operating a face and hair painting booth at the Homecoming Carnival on September 21st. More student volunteers are needed. Also anyone interested in donating supplies for the event should contact Armaan.
Christian Shannon, student, reported that volunteers are also needed to help with Southlake’s Octoberfest on September 30 – October 2.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Officer Update
September 13, 2011
The following reports were submitted by officers that will not be giving a report at the meeting:
Second Vice President (Volunteers): Patty Willis
There has been a good response from volunteers to help with Teacher Fridays, the Physician’s Breakfast, and the Awards Banquet. Susan Everett has worked to compile information from parent information sheets into a master list of the parents who are
interested in helping. We had enough volunteers at the kick-off sign up for Teacher Fridays that each volunteer is scheduled to work at the school just once every 12 weeks. Mrs. Martin has expressed appreciation on behalf of the CMA teachers for the help in the classroom. The newsletter request for volunteers to sell cookbooks at Curriculum Night or the Homecoming Carnival has not resulted in any response to date.
Third Vice President (Internships): Shilpa Patel
Have compiled the list of physicians to be contacted and have also sent out the first few emails. Seniors will begin their first internship in December and the other two will be spread over the spring.
Fourth Vice President (Special Events – Fall Kickoff and Awards
Banquet): Lisa Wettig and Audrey Miller
We first began the summer by securing a location and date for our spring banquet. After visiting several sites and talking to multiple hotels, we decided on the Hilton DFW Lakes in Grapevine. Our date of the banquet is Saturday, May 5, 2012 and will begin at 6:30 pm. Cheryl brought a check for our deposit of 2250.00, and we will be required to pay the balance on May 5, 2012. Patty Willis had banquet sign ups at the kick off meeting, and we will review the sheet to ensure that we have the help we need.
Our next project was to work on the Back to School Kick-off Party. We held the event at the CSHS SAC, and we had a great attendance of students and parents. As parents entered, we offered them our CMA merchandise including: t-shirts, bumper stickers, yard signs, and cookbooks. We ordered fifty t-shirts for the event and sold a little over half of them. Also, we gave the opportunity for parents to donate to the new CMA Edge that will work to provide better facilities and opportunities for CMA students and teachers. Everyone brought salads and desserts, and Roxann Taylor graciously donated the water for our event. We ordered 30 cheese pizzas, which turned out to be too many, but the students were a great help in setting up and cleaning before we left. At the meeting, Mrs. Martin, Cheryl Salanty, Mrs. Lowery, and Dr. Rollins addressed the parents and gave an overview of what to expect for the year. The students were also given a tour of the rooms and shuttle pick up instructions to aid in their first day of school. We felt like the event was a success as students and parents alike walked away feeling more informed about the year ahead with everything from classes to booster club events.
We will place a final t-shirt order in September, and we will work on the banquet as needed.
Sixth Vice President (Mentor/Mentee Program):
Cathy Hendrickson
Mentor Mentee meeting is scheduled for September 14, 2011 at 3:20 (immediately after school) in the CHS cafeteria. Drinks and snacks will be provided and mentors will be present to answer questions in preparation for upcoming Biology test or to answer any general CMA questions. If you have any questions feel free to contact Cathy Hendrickson at hendricksoncathy@yahoo.com.
Seventh Vice President (Liaison to Student Board/CM Students): Nancy Lesky
Would like the dates of activities planned sent to her so she can take this to the students, and post on Facebook for them to know. She plans to attend the next student meeting as well.
Secretary: Susan Everett
The 2011 CMA Booster Directory is being compiled. A draft will be placed on the website for final review shortly. Parents who would like to change their student’s information should contact Susan at evercma@gmail.com.
Webmaster: Becky Goodman
The first newsletter for 2011-2012 has been sent out. For the website update, Christian Genco created two new pages on the website. One will hold copies of the newsletter and the Edge brochure, and the other will host information about our sponsor(s). News & Events page has been updated with all of the dates spelled out in Mrs. Martin's section of the newsletter. Booster Board has been updated with known members and their email addresses. Please check it and let me know if I am missing any board members or parent reps. Photos have been added to the gallery from the Fall KickOff and Picnic.
Parliamentarian: Yash Sidhu
The following positions are still vacant: First Vice President (Fundraising) and Sophomore Parent Representatives.