Friday, May 11, 2012

CMA Booster Club Meeting Minutes 05/08/2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President.

In attendance were: S. Patel, L. Williams, K. Hughes, Y. Sidhu, S. Madhani, M. Tran, M. Jones, P. Willis, B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, V. Fisher, B. Palazzetti, S. Martin, B. Wang and A. Miller.

Cheryl Salanty welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Audrey Miller made a motion to approve the minutes dated April 10, 2012. Mimi Tran seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Audrey Miller and Cheryl Salanty led a discussion on the awards banquet. Overall, the banquet was a huge success. The finances related to the banquet have not been finalized but there is more than enough to cover the deposit for next year’s banquet. The silent auction raised more than double what was raised in the past. Also, the proceeds from the banquet were helped dramatically by the scholarship donations that Mimi Tran collected from physicians.

Some things that should be considered in planning next year’s banquet include: whether or not to include the incoming freshmen, whether or not to have a silent auction and ways to keep the noise level down and the people from milling about in order to show respect for people at the podium.

The scholarships funds will be sent directly to the students’ college. Mrs. Martin will collect the recipients’ college and college id number so that the funds can be sent directly. Students will need to provide this information to Mrs. Martin no later than June 15, 2012, in order to receive the funds.

Mimi Tran announced that the scholarship winners as well as a list of CMA seniors will be in the next Dragon Blast.

Mimi Tran led a discussion on the need for lab renovations and a possible capital campaign to cover part of the costs. She has met with Dr. Faltys on this.

Vicky Fisher led a discussion of a way to thank the 70+ physicians and healthcare providers that have assisted CMA with the physicians’ breakfast, scholarship donations and the internship program. Three different plaque sizes were shown. Vicky Fisher made a motion to buy the 6X8 plaques for a cost of approximately $950. Shilpa Patel seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Depending on timing, it would be nice for the students to deliver the plaques to the physicians.

Cheryl Salanty read the proposed slate of officers for 2012-2013. Salima Madhani made a motion to accept the slate as read. Yash Sidhu seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The officers are as follows:

  • President – Vicky Fisher
  • Vice President – Audrey Miller
  • Fundraising – Mimi Tran
  • Secretary – Lisa Williams
  • Membership – Mary Ann Jones
  • Physicians’ Breakfast – Kathryn Hughes
  • Internships – Shilpa Patel
  • Awards Banquet – Lisa Wettig
  • Webmaster – Altaf Hussain
  • Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
  • Volunteers/Parent Class rep coordinator – Patti Willis
  • Mentor/Mentee – Kristy Floyd
  • Parliamentarian – Cheryl Salanty

Parent Reps for next year are:

  • Freshmen – Alice and Ali Taqi
  • Sophomore – Suzanne Harding
  • Junior – Yash Sidhu/Salima Madhani
  • Senior – Nancy Lesky/Patti Willis

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $4,488. Deposits totaled $29,915. Checks paid and cleared were $481. Checks outstanding totaled $11,372. The ending balance was $22,550.85. This balance does not reflect the scholarships that were awarded at the banquet and some banquet expenses.

Vicky Fisher presented Cheryl Salanty with a bouquet of roses and a card for the wonderful job she has done as president of the CMA Booster Club.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

CMA Booster Club Agenda for May 8, 2012

CMA Booster Club Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 7 p.m. in Carroll Senior High School Room 414. The agenda is as follows:

I. President – Cheryl Salanty
    a. Welcome
    b. Approval of Minutes
II. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
    a. Report
IV. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
    a. Election of officers
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Volunteers – Patty Willis
VII. Parent Reps
VIII. Mrs. Martin
IX. Students – Armaan Kang

Friday, April 13, 2012

CMA Booster Club Minutes 04/10/12

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Brown, S. Patel, L. Williams, K. Hughes, Y. Sidhu, S. Madhani, T. O’Brien, Cathy Hendrickson, M. Tran, M. Jones, P. Willis, H. Ryskoski, J. Martin, B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, V. Fisher, B. Pullarkat, A. Pullarkat, L. Wettig, Ayesha Hussain, Altaf Hussain, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl Salanty welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Lisa Williams made a motion to approve the minutes dated March 20, 2012. Salima Madhani seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Cheryl Salanty led a discussion on the proposed changes to the CMA Booster Bylaws. The changes primarily involved adding a vice president position, changing titles of current vice presidents to chairpersons and reflecting their actual duties, making webmaster an executive officer, and splitting the secretary position into secretary and membership chairperson. In addition, a membership fee for the CMA Booster Club will be assessed similar to other CISD booster clubs. Other corrections of the bylaws were discussed. A copy of the bylaws draft has been distributed. Patty Willis made a motion to approve the bylaws. It was seconded by Lisa Williams and the motion passed unanimously.

Cheryl Salanty also discussed additional scholarship opportunities. Mimi Tran has done a great job soliciting various physicians to donate to the scholarships to be given to seniors at the awards banquet. Friday April 13th is the cut-off date for the physicians to agree to donate. This will allow time to get the information into the program and on the banner for the awards banquet. Next year a more formal solicitation campaign will be done. Scholarship applications from seniors are due April 20th. So far, 9 applications have been received and more are expected.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,508. Checks paid and cleared were $7,020. The ending balance was $4,488. So far Maribeth has $3,360 of awards banquet checks that need to be deposited.

The contract for the Hilton was discussed. The guaranteed payment for 366 guests has been made. Based on actual RSVPs an additional payment may be required. The amount estimated will fluctuate until the incoming freshmen are contacted and have a chance to RSVP.

Yash Sidhu read the following slate of officers for next year:
President - Vicky Fisher
Vice President - Open
Fundraising - Mimi Tran
Secretary - Lisa Williams
Membership - Mary Ann Jones
Fall Kick-Off/Physicians’ Breakfast - Kathryn Hughes
Internships - Shilpa Patel
Awards Banquet - Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
Webmaster - Altaf Hussain
Treasurer - Maribeth Wonson
Volunteers/Parent Class Rep Coordinator - Patty Willis
Mentor/Mentee - Kristy Floyd
Parliamentarian - Cheryl Salanty
Freshman Parent Class Rep - Open
Sophomore Parent Class Rep - Suzanne Harding
Junior Parent Class Rep - Yash Sidhu/Salima Madhani
Senior Parent Class Rep - Nancy Lesky/Patty Willis

Shilpa Patel gave an update on internships. She has begun working on the summer internships.

Patty Willis needs volunteers to assist the teachers during the last six weeks. It is 1 to 2 hours on a Friday. If you can volunteer, please contact Patty.

Cheryl Salanty reported that they will be ordering 10 more IPADS which will bring the total to 20. Becky Goodman, webmaster, will load apps. Altaf Hussain gave information on the pricing of applications.

Mrs. Martin reported that the incoming freshmen have been selected. There are 55 freshmen and up to 3 sophomores that will be admitted into the program. The administration decided to only accept CISD students into the program. In the future, the administration will do a study to track the success of CISD only applicants. While the students have been selected this was done without names so Mrs. Martin does not know who actually has been selected.

Mrs. Martin reported that next year’s sophomores will travel to CSHS for anatomy. Pre AP chemistry will be at the high school.

Armaan Kang reported on the picnic. Next year parents should be sent a reminder about the picnic rather than relying solely on facebook.

Hayley Ryskoski reported that the students are organizing a CMA relay for life team. A purple bucket is in the classroom to collect donations. If any parent knows of some fundraising options such as the Cici’s Pizza please let Hayley know as they are looking to raise money for the team.

Mrs. Martin reminded the freshmen parents about the lab sessions and the AP study sessions. Students were given a schedule of the dates and times.

Catie Hendrickson reported that there will be a mentor/mentee meeting on April 25th.

Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig led a discussion on the upcoming awards banquet. If anyone can donate balloons please contact Lyn Flaherty. Silent auction items are still being accepted and will be until May 4th. So far they have received spa packages, golf packages, SAT prep courses, Starbucks baskets, etc. Everyone is encouraged to contact vendors they may know, especially nail salons.

The next Booster Club meeting is scheduled for May 10, 2012. Officers for next year will be elected then.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

CMA Booster Club Agenda 04/10/12


I. President – Cheryl Salanty
a. Welcome
b. Approval of Minutes
c. By-law Revisions
d. Membership Revision
e. Additional Scholarship
II. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
IV. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
a. Present slate of executive board nominees
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Volunteers – Patty Willis
VII. Parent Reps
VIII. Mrs. Martin
IX. Students – Armaan Kang

Sunday, March 25, 2012

CMA Booster Club Minutes 03/20/12

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, V. Fisher, B. Pullarkat, L. Wettig, S. Newman, Ayesha Hussain, Altaf Hussain, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl Salanty welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Audrey Miller made a motion to approve the minutes dated February 7, 2012. Lisa Wettig seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Becky Goodman was thanked for a wonderful newsletter.

Vicky Fisher was thanked again for a great Physicians’ Breakfast. Numerous complements have been received about the Breakfast.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,236. Checks paid and cleared were $3,751. Deposits totaled $4,023. The ending balance was $11,508. Maribeth also presented a financial analysis of the Physician’s Breakfast to assist with next year’s budgeting. Total cost of the Breakfast was $4,169. These costs were offset by student payments of $3,503, a contribution of $400 from the CISD CMA account and donations of $250. Also, Maribeth will investigate a letter from Wells Fargo about a check not clearing their account. According to her notes, the check was deposited and reflected in the CMA account.

Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig led a discussion on the upcoming awards banquet. See their handout attached to these minutes.

Cheryl Salanty led a discussion on senior scholarships and ways to fund these scholarships. Cheryl moved that there would be 8 scholarships of $500 each awarded this year. Lisa Wettig seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

The executive board will meet soon to discuss the Booster Club organization membership and possibly establishing a fee to cover student activities; preparing a freshmen information packet for parents; and determining awards to be presented at the banquet. Cheryl Salanty will organize this meeting.

Becky Goodman is working to establish paypal online for CMA. Maribeth Wonson will assist with some banking information. Altaf Hussain raised the point that there would probably be a service fee to the depositer on these transactions.

The next Booster Club meeting is scheduled for April 10, 2012. Officers for next year will be elected then.

Catie Hendrickson reported that there will be a mentor/mentee meeting on April 25th. Mrs. Martin gave an update on the internships. All is going smoothly.

The following handout was distributed at the meeting: Banquet Update 3/20
  • Invitations – Mimi Tran has done a fabulous job with these. They are being sent in the mail this week to administrators, teachers, and seniors only. Everyone else will receive an invitation on line and will respond online. Deadline for responses is April 15 for all monies and food choices. We will send new freshman invites out via email as soon as the list is finalized. Their deadline will be a bit later. Payments can be made by mail or at the booster club meeting 4/10.

  • Registration – We will be working with Bindu Pullarkat on this soon to make sure all goes smoothly. She has great ideas!

  • Auction – Audrey and Lisa are working on this and class baskets have been assigned. We just need students to contribute. They are due April 23rd. Here is the list:
    • 1st block – Yashas Singri – Gift Card Tree

    • 3rd block – Morgan Wilson – Barnes & Noble – Nook

    • 5th block – Sneha Kalluri – Adrenaline basket

    • 6th block – Vighnesh Nair – birthday basket

    • 7th block – Ashesh Trivedi – Music basket

    • Alisha Kahna – dorm room basket

    • 8th black – Hayley Ryskoski – Movie night basket

  • Food – We are working with Marsha at the Hilton on the menu that will include a chicken, meat, and vegetarian dish.

  • Teacher Gifts and Flowers – Waiting on budget, but Carol Ireland will handle.

  • Decorations – Lyn Flaherty is handling.

  • Programs – Kathy Derevyanik and Shauna Newman have the template and are doing fine.

  • Registration Envelopes and Name Tags – Catie Hendrickson is doing with a group of seniors.

  • Slide Show – Stephanie Park is collecting pictures – please, email her with any.

  • Photographer – Trusa Patel is providing a photographer to take candids and group shots throughout the evening. Pictures will be available on her website for $9.00 for a 4x6. She will also offer a cd of all photos for purchase. We are going to have a fun prop box for the kids to use with things like stethoscopes, doctor coats, glasses, frames, boas, etc. We will ask parents/students to send in fun items.

  • Senior Boards – Becky Goodman and Clare Burns are working together to create these. They will be asking students to bring pictures and fill out the board forms.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

CMA Booster Club Agenda 03/20/12

Agenda for CMA Booster Club Meeting Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 7 p.m. in Senior High School Room 414

I. President Update – Cheryl Salanty a. Welcome
II. Secretary – Susan Everett
a. Approval of Minutes
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
a. Report
b. Budget
IV. Volunteers – Patty Willis
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
VII. Physicians’ Breakfast – Vicky Fisher
VIII. Mentor/Mentee Program – Cathy Hendrickson
IX. Student Liaison – Nancy Lesky
X. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
XI. Webmaster – Becky Goodman
XII. Historian/Publicity – Shauna Newman
XIII. Freshmen Parent Rep Update – Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams
XIV. Sophomore Parent Rep Update – Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu
XV. Junior Parent Representative Update – Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
XVI. Senior Parent Representative Update – Bindu Pullarkat
XVII. Mrs. Martin
XVIII. Students – Armaan Kang

Friday, February 10, 2012

CMA Booster Club Minutes 02/07/12

CMA Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, B. Trivedi, V. Fisher, Cathy Hendrickson, B. Pullarkat, A. Pullarkat, N. Lesky, L. Wettig, S. Madhani, S. Newman, M. Sloane, Y. Sidhu, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl Salanty welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Maribeth Wonson made a motion to approve the minutes dated January 7, 2012. Audrey Miller seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

The next meeting falls during Spring Break. Therefore, it was agreed that the meeting would be moved to Tuesday, March 20. Susan Everett will send out an email to notify every one of the change.

Cheryl Salanty reported that a scholarship committee is being formed to review the scholarship applications. Members of the committee will include Dr. Rollins, Maribeth Wonson, and two members from the community. Mrs. Martin added that the applications will be “blinded” so that the committee members will not know who is applying. Applications will be available shortly and will be due back April 20th.

Cheryl Salanty also reported that a nominating committee is being formed to come up with the slate of officers for next school year. Yash Sidhu, parliamentarian, will chair this committee. If you are interested in serving on this committee or running for an office please let Cheryl or Yash know. Also current board members should let Yash know if they are interested in continuing in their current position. Current freshmen parents are wanted to serve as assistants to certain board positions, such as VP – Internships, so that they can eventually step into that position.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,357. Checks paid and cleared were $121. The ending balance was $11,236. A deposit for $390 and a check for $108 are still outstanding. Once those clear the balance will be $11,518.
Cheryl Salanty led a discussion on the Spring Budget Proposal. The following items were discussed:

 The amount that should be carried over to next year versus the amount to be used this school year. This relates to the CMA Booster Club account and not the CISD controlled account relating to CMA.
 The silent auction usually generates enough money to pay the deposit for the next year’s banquet location.
 $5,000 may be good estimate of the amount to carry over until the next school year.
 Do not want to go too low as the number of students has been increasing.
Cathy Hendrickson made a motion that $4,000 should be targeted for scholarships. This amount can change based on number of applicants and other factors. Nancy Lesky seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. This will be revisited when the applications come in.

A parent volunteer is needed for two hours to help with copying, etc. on February 17th. Shauna Newman volunteered.

Mrs. Martin gave an update on the internships. All is going smoothly.
Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig gave an update on the awards banquet in May. They are looking at options for the invitations whether sending by mail or through Evite. They have begun working on volunteer assignments, coordinating with a photographer and organizing the class baskets. They have already begun to solicit donation items. Please contact Audrey if you would like to help with obtaining auction items.
Vicky Fisher reported on the Career Day/Breakfast. Transportation to the event will not be provided and Mrs. Martin has told the students that. Many physicians are very enthusiastic about the event. It has gotten a good reputation and two representatives from other school districts will also be in attendance. The Trophy Club staff and Green Jackets will be helping so additional parent volunteers are not needed. Trusa Patel (parent and Luce Photography), a yearbook staff representative and Shauna Newman (CMA Booster Club Historian/Publicity) will be there taking pictures.

Many thanks go to Kathryn Hughes who has done a wonderful job obtaining the items and assembling the thank you goodie bags for the physicians. They are perfect and will be well received.

Cathy Hendrickson discussed the next Mentor/Mentee meeting on Wednesday, February 22 in the high school cafeteria. It will be a question and answer session on the practice AP exam that the students take.

Mrs. Martin discussed taking the AP exams. Parents should weigh whether or not taking the exam will help the student. AP scores become part of the student’s permanent record.

Becky Goodman reported that she is looking into a way to link paypal with our website. Also she worked on ensuring that the new CMA logo was functioning correctly.

Armaan Kang reported that the students held a fundraiser at CiCi’s Pizza. The check should be received soon. Also the juniors and seniors are going to Urban Air on Saturday, February 10th. The students will host a picnic in late March.

Salima Madhani reported that the sophomore class held a caroling party. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 2/7/12

I. President – Cheryl Salanty
    a. Welcome
    b. Update
II. Secretary – Susan Everett
    a. Approval of Minutes
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
    a. Report
    b. Budget
IV. Volunteers – Patty Willis
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
VII. Physicians’ Breakfast – Vicky Fisher
VIII. Mentor/Mentee Program – Cathy Hendrickson
IX. Student Liaison – Nancy Lesky
X. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
XI. Webmaster – Becky Goodman
XII. Historian/Publicity – Shauna Newman
XIII. Freshmen Parent Rep Update – Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams
XIV. Sophomore Parent Rep Update – Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu
XV. Junior Parent Representative Update – Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
XVI. Senior Parent Representative Update – Bindu Pullarkat
XVII. Mrs. Martin
XVIII. Students – Armaan Kang

Sunday, January 15, 2012

CMA Booster Club Minutes - 01/10/12

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Cheryl Salanty, President. In attendance were: B. Goodman, A. Kang, Catie Hendrickson, C. Salanty, S. Everett, M. Wonson, S. Patel, S. Harding, B. Trivedi, V. Fisher, Cathy Hendrickson, B. Pullarkat, A. Pullarkat, N. Lesky, K. Hughes, B. Brown, P. Willis, E. Dominici, Y. Sidhu, S. Martin, and A. Miller.

Cheryl Salanty welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.

Maribeth Wonson made a motion to approve the minutes dated November 8, 2011. Becky Goodman seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Maribeth Wonson gave the Treasurer’s Report. The opening balance was $11,201. Deposits were $1,055. Checks paid and cleared were $900. The ending balance was $11,357. Donation receipts have been distributed. See Maribeth if you did not receive one. Also please complete reimbursement request forms in a timely manner.

Cheryl Salanty led a discussion on the Spring Budget Proposal. The following items were discussed:

  • $200 is the estimated cost of the Medical Professionals Breakfast/Career Day. This is a net amount after including a $400 credit applied from CMA funds received last year from Cook’s. Students will pay for their own meals. The Booster Club will cover the cost of Physician, faculty and CISD administration meals. There is no facility fee for the event.
  • Funds for the Senior Boards for the Awards Banquet may come from the District account. Seniors should provide Cheryl with a cost estimate for this.
  • Senior cords for graduation may come from the District account as well. Mrs. Martin showed an example of the cords.
  • Audrey Miller will provide Cheryl with detail estimates on Banquet expenses.
  • Scholarship applications will be distributed after the Physician’s Breakfast. A draft application was discussed. The application deadline was set as April 20, 2012. Last year there were 18 seniors and 6 scholarships were granted. This year there are 38 seniors. The number of scholarships will be determined after the Spring Budget is finalized.

Shilpa Patel and Mrs. Martin gave an update on internships. All 38 seniors have been placed and have either started or are soon starting their internships.

Audrey Miller reported that the Awards Banquet is May 5, 2012. A committee will soon start working on obtaining auction items. There is a list of parent volunteers. Invitations will go out in March for current students. The schedule will be tight for inviting the incoming freshmen.

The Physicians' Breakfast and Career Day is scheduled for February 9th at Trophy Club Country Club. Vicky Fisher reported that 30 medical professionals will be attending. A flyer and permission slip will be distributed soon. Yash Sidhu stated that press releases need to be done both before and after the event.

Cathy Hendrickson discussed the next Mentor/Mentee meeting on February 22 in the high school cafeteria. It will be a general question and answer session.

Nancy Lesky reported that she has attended various student meetings. The juniors and seniors were interested in going to GDX for team building. Due to the distance from Southlake, the Booster Club decided that events closer to home would be preferred.

Becky Goodman reported that there have been no updates to the web site. The next newsletter will be distributed after the Medical Professionals’ Breakfast.

Armaan Kang reported that the competition between grade levels for the Drinking Water for India program will be starting back up.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

CMA Booster Club Agenda - 1/10/12

I. President – Cheryl Salanty
  a. Welcome
  b. Update
II. Secretary – Susan Everett
  a. Approval of Minutes
III. Treasurer – Maribeth Wonson
  a. Report
  b. Budget
IV. Volunteers – Patty Willis
V. Internships – Shilpa Patel
VI. Awards Banquet – Audrey Miller and Lisa Wettig
VII. Physicians’ Breakfast – Vicky Fisher
VIII. Mentor/Mentee Program – Cathy Hendrickson
IX. Student Liaison – Nancy Lesky
X. Parliamentarian – Yash Sidhu
XI. Webmaster – Becky Goodman
XII. Historian/Publicity – Shauna Newman
XIII. Freshmen Parent Rep Update – Suzanne Harding and Lisa Williams
XIV. Sophomore Parent Rep Update – Salima Madhani and Yash Sidhu
XV. Junior Parent Representative Update – Nancy Lesky and Patty Willis
XVI. Senior Parent Representative Update – Bindu Pullarkat
XVII. Mrs. Martin
XVIII. Students – Armaan Kang